Thursday 30 April 2015

Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm...

Well, where did April go?  Another month nearly over, and a fresh one ready to start... I wonder what May is getting ready to throw at me?!  Anyway, to stick to the positives, April has been pretty eventful in its own right, and has seen it's fair share of adventures.

Right back at the start of the month I finally got around to going down to see my Momma and my baby boy.  I was greeted by big cuddles before being whisked into the Fun Farm to play.  We went up and down and round and around; Sethy monster definitely knew his way around, and was much more confident about where he was going.  When it was finally time to leave he was totally bribed with lunch at the pub :)

I got an ace surprise when he told his Mommy that he wanted to ride in my car... He was such a good boy, he had his little car seat in the back, he found poor Eeyore on the back seat and gave him a cuddle and kept spotting mum out of the front window while we followed her to the pub!  He's growing up so fast!

At the pub he chose to sit next to me too, and I even managed to get a photo of his dinosaur impression :)  I really cannot put into words how cute he is these days; well, always has been really - but he is coming into his own now and has such a little personality about him!  

As seen as the sun was shining, we chose to go for  walk at Whisby Nature Park - beautiful place!  Sethy had a giggle up in the front with me while Momma Kate sorted some parking tickets out, out then we went for a lovely walk around the lake, watching Seth run up ahead and come bounding back.  We went for a wander across the lake and played on the little adventure trail, we went for a sit on a bench and then had a wander up the path to the play area where Seth played in the water feature :)  Amazing day, one that will have to happen again sooner rather than later - it was too long between visits this time.  I won't be letting that happen again I'll tell ya!

In other news I have started to look after the boys for Christine, I get to spend the night with them when she is away, and share the bed with them lol - No kidding I have less room in that double bed with them three than I do in my own little single!!  They have no boundaries when it comes to personal space!  But I love them - I get to spend more time with Jak, and we even got out for a walk the other day!

That brings me to my next point - exercising by doing the things you love is definitely beneficial!  I have gotten out on the bike with Jayne plenty now; she has even bought a new bike!  We have been cycling down into Rother Valley, round the lakes and then back up the hill home again... I totally made it all the way back up that bugger!  I refused to let it beat me.  Now I think it is getting time to broaden my horizons and venture somewhere new, so tomorrow I am going to attempt Ulley Res instead and see how that differs in time, distance and effort!  I'll keep you posted.
We are still managing out daily walk at lunch time - and slowly improving our time I think, though only by a few seconds at a time.  But to be honest, I'm not too bothered about getting much faster - I'm purely working on the basis of something is better than nothing - and getting out to walk to 1.2 miles after we have had our lunch, is better than sitting on our asses for twenty minutes...  And it's a lovely walk, the weather had been pretty darn good, and we can have a good old chin wag while we're at it!

As for trying something new - yesterday, I went jogging!  Payback for the bike rides, Jayne decided we had to add jogging to our agenda!  In fairness, hitting the pavement is proven as one of the best ways to get into shape fast - so I decided to give it a go.  She drove us down to Treeton Dyke after work, and off we went...  Well, I;m not going to lie - I thought I was going to die - but, I did it!!  And i did it reasonably well for a first attempt!  
So - here it is in writing Jayne - by the end of the summer term, I will have jogged that lap without nearly passing out!  
There's the starting mark - For now we are just going to add it as a once a week thing, and I'm getting out on my bike twice a week - then we will up it as my fitness improves!  

And as a final adventure - if a very wet one - we headed to Whitby at the weekend to catch the Goth weekend!  Sammy and I headed up there with Rachel and Maisy with the great intentions of a lovely day at the seaside... We wanted to go and play on the sand, have a walk around town, go up to the Abbey... well they were great plans - until the heavens opened.  And when I say it rained, I mean it barreled it down; it never let up.  Rach even had to go buy Maisy some Wellies it got that bad!!  It kind of ruined the mood a bit - but we still got in a ride on a boat, some time at the arcades - and Sammy and I even managed a quick walk up to the shops to go spend pennies on Gorjuss Girls and Frightlings!!

 Absolutely love my new clock - Raven, the Fallen Angling has got pride of place above my bookshelf so that he is in clear view when I am pottering around in my room :)

Well, it is now time to put April to bed - and wake up tomorrow for a fresh start for May!  Bring it on I say!

Till next time,
Louby xx

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