Saturday 11 April 2015

A continuation...

Okay, let's continue from where I left off and get this thing finished :)

Question 8 - Who is one of your mentors?  What do you admire about them?  What makes them unique and what have you learned from them?

This one was too easy - My Mom!  (She's gonna kill me for the photo - but I chose it carefully - I like this one)
There are only a few people that any girl will always be able to rely on, one of those is her Daddy, and I do, I love my Dad.  There is my little sister, who is always there for me now that she has grown up :)  But above and beyond all that, there is my Mom!!  She has believed in me, supported me and encouraged me through everything that I have ever decided to venture through.  It doesn't matter to her how daft of an idea I might have, how ridiculously out there my plans might be, or how much work I will have to do to achieve my goals, she has been there by my side through it all and has never given up on me!  For that, and so much more, I love her eternally and am incredibly thankful for everything that she has ever done for me!

Question 9 - If you had just one day left to live, how would you spend it?  What would you tell your loved ones?

If I had only one day left in this world then I would make sure that I went out with a bang!  I would gather up all my friends and family and spend the day being random and spontaneous; do lots of silly things, take lots of photographs and make sure that no-one was about to forget me in a hurry :p
I would tell everyone that I loved them, and make sure they knew it - and would never forget it.  And I would give all my notes and my story to my Mo and ask her to try and get it published for me!
Enough of that now - it's far too morbid - I am not planning on going anywhere any time soon!!

Question 10 - What is the one, most difficult lesson that you have ever learned?

Haha, to listen to my Mother and and trust her when she tells me that something isn't going to work, or that someone is bad for me, or that I am being ridiculous!!  Just trust that she knows what she is talking about - She is always right!!

Question 11 - What is one of your biggest dreams?  What is getting in your way?

My biggest dream is to walk into a well know book store like W H Smiths and be able to locate my books on the shelves!  What is in my way - Other people's opinions...  I have to find someone that believes in my story as much as I do!  I will not give up however, one day that dream will be my reality - and I can't wait :)

Question 12 - What are the most important aspects in your life right now and how much time do you spend on each?  Is the time you spend proportionate to the importance of each aspect?

Hmmm...  The most important things to me period are my family, my friends and my book (and maybe my little lion haha) - I am very much about the important things; I like to have fun, create memories and act on impulse as far as adventure is concerned.  I love to take photographs, and probably take far too many when I am out and about exploring the world, but they make me happy, I love to edit them after, and have a habit of documenting my highlights on Instagram.  
My sister tops the bil for being important to me, and although we argue plenty and wind each other up, I love to spend time with her and go on adventures.  A lot of my time is taken with outings with her and friends, I spend a lot of time at home with my parents, even if it is just sitting on the sofa reading my book.  I like the knowledge that they are close by, it makes me feel safe and happy.
My Soldier is important to me, despite the distance between us, and he makes me very happy.  
And my reading and writing.  My writing probably doesn't get as much attention as it should do, I tend to go through phases with it where I write loads some months, and barely touch it through others.  At the minute it has been rather a brick wall where my writing has been concerned, mainly due to the knock backs that I have received for the first book.  I am hoping that the nicer weather and the possibility of writing out in the sunshine will give me a bit of a boost in creativity.  However, throughout the dry spell for writing, I have more than made up for it with reading, and can get through a book a week when I am on a role...

Question 13 - If you could pick one word to describe yourself, what would it be?  Too hard; pick three...

Haha, oh the possibilities... I'll go with one - and I'mm going to use the word 'Determined' as this word applies to a lot of things in my life.  But in general I am a very determined kind of person, and once I set my mind to something, failure is not an option.   work hard for the things that I believe in, and I live my life for me, making sure that whatever I do, it makes me happy!  

Question 14 - If you could choose one word to represent the your ideal version of yourself, or the person you strive to become, what would it be?  

That is also reasonably easy for me - 'Accomplished' - Or to be more specific - and accomplished writer.  The only thing that I strive to become, is a known writer.  Otherwise, I am happy with who I am, I live my life in a way that I stay happy, because I work for all the things that are important to me.

And last but not least...

Question 15 - Throughout the course of the year, what things can you change or do in order to bring yourself closer to that one word you want to embody?

Work harder!  There is only me standing between me and my goals, and I am not afraid to admit that.  Yes I am relying on the opinions of others and finding someone that wants to represent and publish my work - but at the end of the day, it is my work, and it has to be worth representing.  I have to work hard, and keep working hard to make sure that what I produce is the best that I could possibly write, and then one day, I will find the right person to work with that can get my story out into the world!
(In the words of the Master of Dreams himself - no copyright intended)

All done - I hope you enjoyed it, and I hope that your own answers to some of these through provoking questions make you take stock of the things that are important to you, and the things that you want to achieve in your lives.  Always remember that nothing is handed to you on a silver platter - if you want something, then go out there and damn well work hard for it!  
And above all - remember to keep smiling - if for nothing else, then just to keep others wondering why!  

Over and out,
Louby x

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