Wednesday 15 April 2015

Anyone who says exercise isn't fun, just hasn't found the right kind...

Some motivation needed... I did so well for a while with my motivation - getting up before school and getting on the exercise bike before school etc, however, these last few weeks I seem to have been lacking motivation some what...  So, I have decided that it is time to mix things up a little bit.  

At work Jayne and I decided to start and get moving a little more - so as well as joining in with the kids at morning exercise and pumping out a few star jumps and a quick round of Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes, and getting moving during PE (I totally played Tennis this afternoon with one of my Kids - well, his version of hitting the ball and making me run around anyway)- Jayne and I have started going for a walk on the land by the river across from School on our lunch hour.  We don't go far, and we don't go particularly fast, but it is better than sitting on our asses eating cakes, plus the scenery is pretty!!

We all know that I love being out on my bike - I recently went on another adventure where I am sure that Pete was a little kinder to me than normal - either that or some of my working out has paid off and I am a little fitter, because I kept up and didn't hurt anywhere near as much the next day as I have done in the past...   
We went through secret tracks and all sorts - You've seen my Gruffalo photo on one of the last posts, and my random Golden Hand find...  But I am learning from all this, that I need to focus on the stuff I enjoy and just do more of it instead of pushing myself to do stuff that I am getting fed up of...

So, the bike needs to get some use I think - I a feeling some Rother Valley trips, and if I can get the bike in my car, some rides further afield...  Anyone who would like to join me is more than welcome - it's always more fun with company!  

As for company - or competition - I decided yesterday that I  needed a little competition to get myself motivated - I have actually considered a Boot Camp!  I need someone to keep on at me and get me going!  So my compromise was to enlist Jayne's help (and maybe Sammy's, although I haven't asked her yet) and get a little bit competitive - Last one standing!  I'm feeling a bike ride, maybe a run and a gym session!  See who can go for longest - because I know how competitive I can be, and that should be enough to keep me moving - maybe stick a wager of some sorts on it just for an extra boost!

And the easiest of all - I have two little puppies and three boys that will never turn down being taken out for a walk - maybe it's time, now that the weather is picking up, to get out and about more with them - time to reunite the pack I think :)

So - let's see how I get on - I'll keep you posted... Remember that you can keep track of all my adventures and motivation attempts, as well as the rest of me, on Instagram at or follow me on the app!  

Till next time :)
Louby x

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