Friday 10 April 2015

A look at the world...

So, I found this online as decided to give it a whirl; 15 big questions to answer about life...  I figured I'd give it a bash on here, see if I can put a few things into perspective!!  I can't guarantee all 15 in one go, maybe just do a few at a time... we'll see how I get on...
Here goes...

Question 1 - What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail?

Does 'learn to fly' count as an answer?!
Well, that's an interesting one, and as number one too.. that has me stumped almost straight away, but not because there aren't things that I would do, but because I like to think of myself as a reasonably optimistic person.  There are a lot of things that I would like to achieve in my life, a lot of places that I would like to see and things that I would like to do, but I plan on doing them...  I don't see failure as an option, if I don't succeed at something then I will purely try again.  For example, my books - I have written my first book and sent out numerous copies to agents by post and email.  I have already received over a dozen replies, all with the same response; 'We're sorry, but we don't feel that we can represent your work.' Has that stopped me?  Does that mean that I have failed?  No!  It just means that I need to try harder... I have sent more emails, more letters, and I have kept writing... Failure is not an option when my dreams are so big and mean so much to me!
So what would I do if I knew that I couldn't fail? - Well I guess I'd achieve a few things a whole lot quicker than I am doing now... But then where would the challenge be?!

Question 2 - What would your life look like if money had no meaning?  Where would you live?  Who would you spend your time with?  What would you do more/less of?

Well there is a loaded question...  First of all I would only work part time in school.  I would never give up my job, I love what I do, I love working with children and I love to see the difference that I can make to a child's life.  But if I didn't have to work for the money, I would reduce my hours to part time so that I had more time to write.  I would want to live in a little cottage on it's own land, with trees close by and a stream running close by...  
This is a Thomas Kinkade painting and just about sums up my ideal home! - Image found on Google images - no copyright intended.

I would set up a writing room that overlooked the water so that when I was sat writing I had a beautiful view out of the window.  It would be big enough for my family to live with me, as I get lonely when I spend too much time alone, and I am very much a family orientated kinda person, so I would want them close.
With the opportunity, I would travel more - There are so many places across the world that I want to see, if money was no issue then I would get a few of them ticked off my bucket list; Kenya Safari, Australia, Route 66, Niagara Falls, all the places that I can only dream about going at the minute!
Oh the possibilities!! 

Question 3 - What did you want to be as a child, and how does that compare to how you define yourself now?

That's an easy one - I grew up wanting to be a teacher, but always loved my books; reading and writing... As I grew up, I slowly realised that writing was what I loved and what I wanted to do.  I went to University to do my degree in English Literature, following a passion for books, and decided against the route into teaching - I settled at being a Teaching Assistant, and then made my way down the behaviour and special needs route.  Now I love what I do and wouldn't change it for the world - but first and foremost, I would always define myself as a writer!

Question 4 - If you could write a letter to your fifteen year old self, what would you say?

Haha, what would I say?  I could be here all day... Firstly, I would tell myself to hang in there, because things really do get better.  I'd tell myself to stand up for what I believe in and never let anyone tell me differently, I am my own person, and nobody should ever try and make me change that.  I would tell myself to go after the things that I want in life, to not give up trying no matter how many times you get knocked back, and that no matter how long it takes - it is totally worth the effort!  For those that know me well enough you know exactly what I am talking about there... And lastly, I would make sure that I reminded myself to keep reaching for my dreams, and to never give up on anything that makes me truly happy!!

Question 5 - What achievements are you most proud of?

Hmmm, this one I have had to think about - but I think the obvious would be my degree - I worked hard to prove to myself that I could do the things that I loved, even if they didn't always come naturally to me.  To have someone who is supposed to support you and nurture your ambitions tell you that they don't think you're capable of achieving them comes as a pretty harsh blow - but that just made me work even harder - and it all paid off - I have a complete novel, that I will one day see on the shelves of popular book stores with my name on the cover!  That will be my greatest achievement!

Question 6 - What do you want to be remembered for?

That's easy - I want to be remembered by those that I love - as a daughter, as a sister, as part of a family that has drifted far and wide across the country - and one day to be remembered as a wife, as a mother, a grandmother...  and maybe even as a writer!

Question 7 - Think about the last time you felt totally on top of the world.  Where were you?  Who were you with?  What were you doing?  What parts of that experience can you recreate today and every day to boost your happiness?

Haha, now answering this would be telling - but to cut it short, it was a person that made me feel on top of the world, and still does.  That happiness is boosted every time they tell me that they love me, and will continue to do so for as long as they continue to say it.  The smile is in place as I am surrounded by things that remind me of that love - and it doesn't take much to pull me from a bad mood or rough spell - just a simple cuddle in a certain hoodie :)

Okay, I think seven is enough for tonight - my bed and my book are calling me... But I will do the rest tomorrow night.  

Louby xx

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