Tuesday 30 June 2015

Tomorrow's July... WTF?!

Well, Mother Nature finally got the memo... I think Summer is here!  By God has it been hot today or what?!  It's amazing :)

Well, June has certainly been eventful in one way or another... Talk about new experiences!  And boy do they keep coming!  

Stacey came to visit and we went for a walk on the park, we even got to meet Bracken and she got mauled by Lacey and Benji.  I think it is safe to say that they had fun, even Benji played with her for a little while.  We had a long walk in the sunshine and a sit on the park while the puppies got to play.  Bracken got to go off lead because she had Benji and Lacey to look after her, they were all really good and Bracken excelled and did herself proud.  

And in return, the next time I was Leicester way, we took Hayden to the arcades and out for Pizza and Ice Cream - Okay, maybe it was my bad on the Ice Cream as he was high as a kite by the time we took him home, but it was good fun!

Other June antics of course include my little monster's birthday!!  Three years old!  I cannot believe it has been three years since Momma brought Sethy into this world and made it a brighter, happier place for al involved!!  I headed down to Horncastle and after a nightmare of a drive (they seem to be my typical long drive recently - I don't know who has got it in for me at the minute) we headed straight out to the park :)  
He is such a little whirl wind, and what with Grandad and Vvv, he had us running around plenty!  
By the time we got back we were shattered, unfortunately the same could not be said for little Sethy, and it was all systems go with the opening of presents... I think Auntie Vvv went a little mad, as per usual.

 After presents it was time to go play in the garden for a bit while Mummy and Daddy sorted the bbq tea out.  Daddy got bbq'in and Nessie and Sethy made a mess on the garden path with his new digger from Grandma and Grandad Benson.  Daddy gave us that look!  

After tea, and I swear Seth put more food away than the rest of us, it was bath time and we had fun with his new fishing set!  And by fun, I mean that Sethy lined them all up on the edge of the bath whilst counting them and then one by one threw them back in the bath so that I could catch them on the finishing line... and even that was assisted by Seth under the bubbles in the water.  
And then my favourite part - bedtime :)  
We read his new Dinosaur book, wiggled a lot like the Wiggleosaurus in the story, had a quick game of hide and seek behind his book and then took some silly photos before snuggling down to sleep.  
Then it was Mommy and and Auntie Nessa's turn to have some fun... We headed for Tesco's to get in the supplies; alcohol and chocolate, and headed back home to watch Sarah Millican on TV.  It was a good night all round, and I got to finish it off by snuggling up with a new book (I totally bought Grey in Tesco too!)

The following morning I got to go swimming with Sethy and Momma and see him having fun in the water - he's such a clever little boy, jumping in and swimming around :)
He makes me damn proud to be his Godmother, I hope he knows that - or at least Momma Kate does!

Anyway, other than a lot of reading, and some other random bits and bobs, June hasn't had much else going on apart from a lot of draining crap that I am not going into.  I have better things to do haha!  

Bring on July - it can't be any worse that June!  
Louby x

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