Saturday 27 June 2015

Believe you can and you're half way there...

Powerful words from Theodore Roosevelt!

Words that I like to think that I believe... I have always liked to think of myself as an optimistic kind of person; I'm on the 'glass half full' side of the argument, I believe that near enough everything in life is mind over matter.  Be it that extra push when I'm jogging, or the so called Writer's Block that I blame for my quiet periods.  The point is, that only one person controls your life, and that is you.  
I'm all about the quotes tonight - one of my personal favourites, which I have just Googled to check out where it came from and got a surprise...  None other than the Harley Davidson... Yep, the Motorbike guy!  His well known words...

When writing the story of your life,
don't let anyone else hold the pen.

And again, another set of good advice; though I have recently realised that not everything in your life is actually in your control.  I used to think that I held my own pen so to speak, but at the minute that pen is totally Missing In Action and my optimism is slowly running out.  The small things in life are my saviour right now and I am hanging onto them for fear of losing myself somewhere in the mix of everything else that is slowly spiralling out of my control.  To be honest, I think I'm doing pretty well, all things considered!

Anyway, enough of that.  Optimism is the way forward.  My first job is to find that dam pen and chain it to my hand.  I'll be damned if I ever let someone else have this much control over me.  Last quote of the night is one I have found tonight whilst looking for the sources of the other ones.  It is from an Australian lady called Amanda Jesnoewski, and before you ask I have no idea how to pronounce that... but you should totally check her out, she seems awesome.  I am not even sure what to call her as she has no many job titles...  I'm not sure if this is the best place for information or whether you should just Google her, but check this out - - She's like Wonder Woman.

Back to the point - her words are...

You are the writer of your own story.
You have the power to change the plot and rewrite your ending.

This is the one that I need to focus on right now, I can sort this, me!  It is my life and I won't let someone else define who I am.  I will write this my way, I will get back some control and leave the rest to Mother Nature!

Louby x

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