Monday 29 June 2015

Writer's Block

The Online Urban Dictionary claims that Writer's Block is 'A usually temporary psychological inability to begin or continue work on a piece of writing' or 'A period of time when a writer's mind is completely blank and drained of any kind of inspirational essence.' (

Recently I am starting to realise that this is a real thing... I always thought it was a great excuse for not doing any writing, but at the minute I am seriously having issues getting anything out of my head and onto paper. If I'm completely honest I am even having issues with the 'in my head' part. I keep opening documents with all the different stories that I have part written at the minute and I just read them through, stare at the screen for a while, and occasionally type a few sentences before closing it down again. And I can do that with a few documents before giving up and picking up a book to read. Anyone following my Instagram #mycrazyreadinghabits will know that I am getting through books at an alarming rate lately. And this brings me around to me next thought...

Are all writers, readers?

Well, my first instinct to this was to Google it of course, and the first thing to come up was a quote from none other than Stephen King.
Image found on Google - no copyright intended.

Well, for me that is about all the proof I needed to answer my question.  Stephen King is pretty legendary and was one of the first writers that I loved.  His books were the first to decorate my bedroom book shelves and are still dotted around my collection today.  Somewhere I have a copy of his book, On Writing which I read when I first started writing my novel properly, along with several other books about being a writer.  He was the inspiration for my A Level final assignment and even made an appearance in my University Dissertation if I remember correctly.  

So, Stephen King says that a writer must read a lot, and if I am honest, I totally agree.  A lot of my inspiration and vocabulary comes from  books that I have read and things that I have seen on tv, then my imagination pulls on them and creates something of my own before I even go near a sheet of paper or my laptop keyboard.  If you have been following my blog for long enough then you will have met some of my characters, and will probably draw your own familiarities from them, even if it is just the obvious, like what kind of mythical creature they are.  Some of my characters are based on real people in their appearance or personality, but to be honest, the majority of them are made up of qualities from more than one person, some real people, some characters from books or tv, and some that are just ideals that I feel are right.  I have to admit that I have my imagination to thank for a lot of my work.

Which brings me to another quote that I love and believe.
Image found on Google - no copyright intended.

I have seen this quote so many times before that I know it off by heart, and have been know to quote it in life before now!  Yes, I am that person, we all know it!  But in all honesty, I do believe it.  Fairy tales teach us a lot, and not just the silly stuff, but real stuff about good overcoming bad.  Now I know what you are going to say; there is plenty of bad in the world, but the good will always outweigh it if you are only open enough to look for the silver lining in everything.  There is always one if you look hard enough; yes, sometimes it can be difficult to see under the dirt, scuffs and bruises (either physical or metaphorical) but I promise you they are there.  Einstein said so, it must be true!!

Anyway, I think I have rambled for long enough about my thoughts over this matter now, it is time to go pick up that book that I was talking about; let's see if I can give that imagination in the right direction and get writing again.  It's well past time that I kicked out something new.  

I will keep you updated,
Louby xx

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