Tuesday 9 June 2015

Curve Ball...

Well we all know what they say about life giving you lemons... Prepare for the best lemonade I can manage!  Or alternatively, I found this, which just about sums up my thoughts on the matter! (Image found on Google, no copyright intended)

Anyway, just when I thought I was getting my life back on track, life decided that I needed a little more to deal with!  But, as my Whatsapp status already quotes - 'When life puts you in a tough situation, don't ask 'Why me?' say 'Try me!''  And I will be damned if anything will put me off course.

So, I've had my night of feeling crappy, I spent some time in bed, even managed to squeeze Sammy in with me for a cuddle!  We had take out for tea for Sammy's birthday, I have munched my way through a bag of chocolate and enjoyed a bottle of chocolate milk and spent the entire evening in my Soldier's hoodie - if only I could have finished it off with a cuddle!  But as of tomorrow I will pick myself up and keep going...  I am going to concentrate on my book for a little while and see if I can get the second one well under way, there are plenty of chapters done, I just need to get some fluency in there and start tying it all together.  The other day I totally put pen to paper and wrote the prologue for the third one - I believe that there is some creative spark arrived with the sunshine!  

And on a final note, I also squeezed in some crafting this afternoon and managed to finish off my latest make :)  I bought a wooden book/storage box from the craft fair at the weekend, and I have decorated it to keep the e-reader in that Sammy is letting me have now that she has her new Galaxy Tab!  Anyone that know me knows that I am not a fan of e-readers, but unfortunately it is becoming a necessity as a lot of authors whose books I read are publishing a lot of material as e-books - and I miss out on them.  So, where as I need the e-reader to catch up on that material, I still love my books - so how to solve this problem... Disguise the e-reader as a book of course.

My Masterpiece!

I hope you like it :)  It now has pride of place on my bookshelf, though it doesn't have the e-reader inside it yet! 

Right, I am feeling the need for bed and a movie... 
Till next time,
Louby x

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