Tuesday 30 June 2015

Tomorrow's July... WTF?!

Well, Mother Nature finally got the memo... I think Summer is here!  By God has it been hot today or what?!  It's amazing :)

Well, June has certainly been eventful in one way or another... Talk about new experiences!  And boy do they keep coming!  

Stacey came to visit and we went for a walk on the park, we even got to meet Bracken and she got mauled by Lacey and Benji.  I think it is safe to say that they had fun, even Benji played with her for a little while.  We had a long walk in the sunshine and a sit on the park while the puppies got to play.  Bracken got to go off lead because she had Benji and Lacey to look after her, they were all really good and Bracken excelled and did herself proud.  

And in return, the next time I was Leicester way, we took Hayden to the arcades and out for Pizza and Ice Cream - Okay, maybe it was my bad on the Ice Cream as he was high as a kite by the time we took him home, but it was good fun!

Other June antics of course include my little monster's birthday!!  Three years old!  I cannot believe it has been three years since Momma brought Sethy into this world and made it a brighter, happier place for al involved!!  I headed down to Horncastle and after a nightmare of a drive (they seem to be my typical long drive recently - I don't know who has got it in for me at the minute) we headed straight out to the park :)  
He is such a little whirl wind, and what with Grandad and Vvv, he had us running around plenty!  
By the time we got back we were shattered, unfortunately the same could not be said for little Sethy, and it was all systems go with the opening of presents... I think Auntie Vvv went a little mad, as per usual.

 After presents it was time to go play in the garden for a bit while Mummy and Daddy sorted the bbq tea out.  Daddy got bbq'in and Nessie and Sethy made a mess on the garden path with his new digger from Grandma and Grandad Benson.  Daddy gave us that look!  

After tea, and I swear Seth put more food away than the rest of us, it was bath time and we had fun with his new fishing set!  And by fun, I mean that Sethy lined them all up on the edge of the bath whilst counting them and then one by one threw them back in the bath so that I could catch them on the finishing line... and even that was assisted by Seth under the bubbles in the water.  
And then my favourite part - bedtime :)  
We read his new Dinosaur book, wiggled a lot like the Wiggleosaurus in the story, had a quick game of hide and seek behind his book and then took some silly photos before snuggling down to sleep.  
Then it was Mommy and and Auntie Nessa's turn to have some fun... We headed for Tesco's to get in the supplies; alcohol and chocolate, and headed back home to watch Sarah Millican on TV.  It was a good night all round, and I got to finish it off by snuggling up with a new book (I totally bought Grey in Tesco too!)

The following morning I got to go swimming with Sethy and Momma and see him having fun in the water - he's such a clever little boy, jumping in and swimming around :)
He makes me damn proud to be his Godmother, I hope he knows that - or at least Momma Kate does!

Anyway, other than a lot of reading, and some other random bits and bobs, June hasn't had much else going on apart from a lot of draining crap that I am not going into.  I have better things to do haha!  

Bring on July - it can't be any worse that June!  
Louby x

Monday 29 June 2015

Writer's Block

The Online Urban Dictionary claims that Writer's Block is 'A usually temporary psychological inability to begin or continue work on a piece of writing' or 'A period of time when a writer's mind is completely blank and drained of any kind of inspirational essence.' (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Writer%27s+Block)

Recently I am starting to realise that this is a real thing... I always thought it was a great excuse for not doing any writing, but at the minute I am seriously having issues getting anything out of my head and onto paper. If I'm completely honest I am even having issues with the 'in my head' part. I keep opening documents with all the different stories that I have part written at the minute and I just read them through, stare at the screen for a while, and occasionally type a few sentences before closing it down again. And I can do that with a few documents before giving up and picking up a book to read. Anyone following my Instagram #mycrazyreadinghabits will know that I am getting through books at an alarming rate lately. And this brings me around to me next thought...

Are all writers, readers?

Well, my first instinct to this was to Google it of course, and the first thing to come up was a quote from none other than Stephen King.
Image found on Google - no copyright intended.

Well, for me that is about all the proof I needed to answer my question.  Stephen King is pretty legendary and was one of the first writers that I loved.  His books were the first to decorate my bedroom book shelves and are still dotted around my collection today.  Somewhere I have a copy of his book, On Writing which I read when I first started writing my novel properly, along with several other books about being a writer.  He was the inspiration for my A Level final assignment and even made an appearance in my University Dissertation if I remember correctly.  

So, Stephen King says that a writer must read a lot, and if I am honest, I totally agree.  A lot of my inspiration and vocabulary comes from  books that I have read and things that I have seen on tv, then my imagination pulls on them and creates something of my own before I even go near a sheet of paper or my laptop keyboard.  If you have been following my blog for long enough then you will have met some of my characters, and will probably draw your own familiarities from them, even if it is just the obvious, like what kind of mythical creature they are.  Some of my characters are based on real people in their appearance or personality, but to be honest, the majority of them are made up of qualities from more than one person, some real people, some characters from books or tv, and some that are just ideals that I feel are right.  I have to admit that I have my imagination to thank for a lot of my work.

Which brings me to another quote that I love and believe.
Image found on Google - no copyright intended.

I have seen this quote so many times before that I know it off by heart, and have been know to quote it in life before now!  Yes, I am that person, we all know it!  But in all honesty, I do believe it.  Fairy tales teach us a lot, and not just the silly stuff, but real stuff about good overcoming bad.  Now I know what you are going to say; there is plenty of bad in the world, but the good will always outweigh it if you are only open enough to look for the silver lining in everything.  There is always one if you look hard enough; yes, sometimes it can be difficult to see under the dirt, scuffs and bruises (either physical or metaphorical) but I promise you they are there.  Einstein said so, it must be true!!

Anyway, I think I have rambled for long enough about my thoughts over this matter now, it is time to go pick up that book that I was talking about; let's see if I can give that imagination in the right direction and get writing again.  It's well past time that I kicked out something new.  

I will keep you updated,
Louby xx

Sunday 28 June 2015

The kindness of strangers

Ever think about how many strangers you come into contact with in a day?  How many people's lives you affect or even alter every week?  Be it the car you let out in front of you when driving, the cashier that serves you in the supermarket, or helps you find your groceries, the staff in a restaurants who seat you and serve you, the person on the other end of the phone when you call a helpline, or just the dog walker that you say hi to when out walking your own dog.  All these lives that cross paths and you never consider the effect that it could be having upon your own life, or theirs for that matter. 
That car that you let out in front of you is now not as late for work as they thought they were, the cashier that you smiled at and made light hearted conversation with isn't as bored as they were five minutes ago, the waiter or waitress that you said thank you to has a smile on their face where they hadn't before, and the person on the other end of the phone could be more satisfied that they have made a difference to a customer, or thoroughly peeved off at the way they had been spoken to when a problem wasn't their fault.  It's all about the way we choose to handle a situation that is presented to us.  

Having been stood on the till at the Co-op for five hours today, being 'that stranger' that every customer has come into contact with in order to do their shopping it has made me think.  My first thought was where do you draw the line on what a stranger actually is?  I mean, there are many regular customers as work, I see them several times a week, some I even see on a daily basis if I am working that regularly.  But that doesn't make them any less of a stranger does it?  I know what cars some of them drive, I know what brand of cigarettes others smoke, or what their drink of choice is; I even know what tattoos some of them have as I am often drawn to the ink, but I don't even know many of their names.  
So, to begin my analysis, I started with  dictionary definition:
The Free Dictionary claims that a stranger is 'Any person whom one does not know.'  (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/stranger)
But again, to what extent does 'not knowing' someone class as?  Like I said, I know several things about some of the regular customers, but that doesn't mean that I know them.
I could go around in circles forever.  For the purpose of a continued discussion, I decided that they probably did count as strangers, just as I count as a stranger to them.  Yes, they know my name because I wear a name badge at work, but they don't know anything else about me.  

So, going back to how a stranger can affect you.  As far as the customers are concerned, I can affect their experience of shopping with the Co-op.  It's in all our handbooks and training, that the customers experience at the till will effect their entire experience in store.  If the cashier is polite, smiling and helpful, the customer is going to leave much happier than if they are ignored by the cashier, their shopping handled in a way that damages either the food or the packaging, or they are rude.  And the same goes the other way around, a customer's attitude towards me when I am serving can leave me feeling happy that I had another happy customer, or it can leave me in a foul mood.  For example, my personal pet hate when I am on the till is when a customer expects you to know what they want, I am no mind reader... I see hundreds of customers in a day, I am not expected to remember every face, remember which pump they have put petrol in at, or what they are handing me money for.  To me, that is rude and unnecessary, and it is just as bad when they are on the phone too, personally, when I get to a till and I am on the phone, I ask whoever I am speaking too, to hold on while I sort out my shopping.  So there is just one example of strangers effecting each other's moods.

How about looking at another way, how about actually doing something for a stranger that really changes something for them.  For example, the letting someone out of a road end onto a busy main road.  I do it, I let cars out of my estate onto the main road if I am returning home.  I will be the first to admit that I am not the greatest driver for letting cars in to the traffic, but I am lenient where familiar roads are concerned.  Like the end of my street; I know what it can be like sitting there waiting for a gap in the traffic, so when I am the traffic, I do tend to let others in, and I do the same in other areas too.  But what effect does this have on the person driving the car that I let in?  Having once been sat in the traffic at the end of Aston Back Lane waiting to turn right towards Gulthwaite Hill, and being there nearly fifteen minutes because it was rush hour traffic, I know that if the cars on the main road had let more of the cars out that were waiting, I wouldn't have been late for work that day.  It is that simple.  
Good deeds, things like letting someone in front of you in a queue because they only have one thing and you have a basket full, offering to help someone who looks like they are struggling, helping someone who is injured.  All of these things are things that you do not have to do, but you make the world a little better each time you do.  And I know from experience, both as the one who has been on the receiving end of someone else's good deed, or from the things that I have done for others, that it does make you feel better.  As the person who has done the good deed, it does make you feel good, like you have helped someone else that would have other wise struggled, and as the one who was helped, it leaves you feeing like there is some good left in the world.

I think I am just about done rambling for now, it was just one of those things that I couldn't help but think about whilst at work today, and it really got me thinking about the lives we effect.

So next time you are in a position to change something, and remember even something as simple as a smile can change someone else's mood, it could be the nicest thing that someone has done for them all day.  Think about it, and give it a try!

Louby x

Saturday 27 June 2015

Believe you can and you're half way there...

Powerful words from Theodore Roosevelt!

Words that I like to think that I believe... I have always liked to think of myself as an optimistic kind of person; I'm on the 'glass half full' side of the argument, I believe that near enough everything in life is mind over matter.  Be it that extra push when I'm jogging, or the so called Writer's Block that I blame for my quiet periods.  The point is, that only one person controls your life, and that is you.  
I'm all about the quotes tonight - one of my personal favourites, which I have just Googled to check out where it came from and got a surprise...  None other than the Harley Davidson... Yep, the Motorbike guy!  His well known words...

When writing the story of your life,
don't let anyone else hold the pen.

And again, another set of good advice; though I have recently realised that not everything in your life is actually in your control.  I used to think that I held my own pen so to speak, but at the minute that pen is totally Missing In Action and my optimism is slowly running out.  The small things in life are my saviour right now and I am hanging onto them for fear of losing myself somewhere in the mix of everything else that is slowly spiralling out of my control.  To be honest, I think I'm doing pretty well, all things considered!

Anyway, enough of that.  Optimism is the way forward.  My first job is to find that dam pen and chain it to my hand.  I'll be damned if I ever let someone else have this much control over me.  Last quote of the night is one I have found tonight whilst looking for the sources of the other ones.  It is from an Australian lady called Amanda Jesnoewski, and before you ask I have no idea how to pronounce that... but you should totally check her out, she seems awesome.  I am not even sure what to call her as she has no many job titles...  I'm not sure if this is the best place for information or whether you should just Google her, but check this out - https://au.linkedin.com/in/velocitymedia - She's like Wonder Woman.

Back to the point - her words are...

You are the writer of your own story.
You have the power to change the plot and rewrite your ending.

This is the one that I need to focus on right now, I can sort this, me!  It is my life and I won't let someone else define who I am.  I will write this my way, I will get back some control and leave the rest to Mother Nature!

Louby x

Wednesday 24 June 2015

Midnight Ramblings

Excuse my late night rambles, but I am not sleepy and I decided to take it out on my blog!  I'm not sure if the photo above is one I have put up before; it is an old edit (which in turn has made me realise that I need some more up to date photos of myself for these purposes) 
But anyway, my life is a little topsy turvy right now, what with everything I have going on, looking for a new job so I have school visits and interviews here there and everywhere, I am working at the Co-op in the evenings and weekends and I am trying to keep track of mates that are slowly spreading out across the world... Who knew life was going to be such hard work!?  I think I want my crayons back - Note to self, build a fort at the weekend and do some colouring!

On a more serious note though, with all that I have going on right now, I am keeping a smile on my face and a spring in my step.  The world will not change me - no matter now much it feels like it is dragging me down, I can still accomplish everything I want to with my life, I could be in a much worse situation really.  So, I need to get my head back in the game, hit the dirt again and get running and keep my mind focused on the end game, and ultimately my books; which I will get published one day!  Everything happens for a reason, and I say 'Try me' - bring it on - I always wanted to be a werewolf anyway!  Haha!

I'll shut up now... I should probably try and get some sleep - busy day tomorrow! 

Night all,
Louby xx

Monday 22 June 2015

A Grey Thought...

Well, where to start?!  

Whilst heading into the shops with Momma Kate at the weekend, our aim chocolate and alcohol, I came across a shelf full of E L James' new book; Grey.

Now I am not going to lie, I struggled to contain my excitement, and got 'that look' off Kate when it went straight into the trolley!  I had vowed to myself that I was going to show some restraint, and purposefully hadn't bought it straight away on the eighteenth - I made it to the nineteenth obviously!  Anyway, back to the point, once snuggled up in bed later that evening, I opened the book to the first page to start reading.  James' dedication for the book reads; This book is dedicated to those readers who asked... and asked... and asked... and asked for this... It made me chuckle.  

I can't say that I was personally one of the readers who asked for this book, but I am most definitely one of her devoted readers who, as any reader would be, is interested in the other side of the story.  How many times when reading Fifty Shades of Grey had I wondered what he was thinking, wondered how he felt about her, wondered what mental struggles he was battling?  I don't think there is any reader who can say that they didn't like Shades of Christian; the extras that James included at the end of Fifty Shades Freed, especially Meet Fifty Shades, where we got to relive Christian and Ana's first meeting through his eyes. When I heard about her plans to release Grey; knowing that it would fill in all the gaps and answer all those unanswered questions that I had been left with, I couldn't even begin to put into words my excitement.  And before anyone says it - yes I know that I probably need a life!  But there are worse addictions than books!!

In the past, I got just as excited about the prospect of Midnight Sun, Stephanie Meyer's rewrite of her first book Twilight, but from Edward's perspective.  I was such a good girl, and refrained from reading the leaked material on the internet because I wanted to be able to read her intended copy, not the original drafts.  As a wannabe writer I know how many changes go into a story before it is ready for people to read.  It took me forever to get mine to a stage where I was comfortable for my Mom to read it as another person's opinion, never mind the changes that I made after that, some with her input, others because I still wasn't happy with it, before I was finally able to say that it was ready to start sending to prospect-able Agents.  When Meyer announced that she wasn't going to write the rest of Midnight Sun because of the leak, I was absolutely guttered, and when she posted a link to the manuscript on her own website, I did read it.  The way she recaptured the story from Edward's point of view, and the insight you got into his thoughts and emotions only proved to deepen my love for the story, and I still hope that one day, she decides to finish writing it.  

Reading Grey has done exactly that for me.  I have read some of the reviews that James has received for her newest addition to the Fifty Shades Saga and if I'm honest, I think some of them are grounded in ridiculous expectations.  They have criticised her for retelling 'exactly the same story' and that it is 'virtually identical' to the original book.  I had to laugh; what exactly were they expecting?  Of course it is the same story, I think I would have been upset if she had changed it to make for better reading or whatever reason she might have come up with.  We fell in love with the story the way she wrote it from Ana's perspective, by rewriting it from Christian's point of view, she wasn't trying to rewrite the story, she wanted us to see his version, to see Ana the way he saw her.  Of course the events happened in the same order, and of course the spoken dialogue was the same.  Those are the facts of the story.  What we wanted from Grey was to see Christian's thought and emotions behind everything that we already knew had happened, and personally, I wasn't disappointed.  I loved the internal monologue that he ran with himself, and the way he answered his own thoughts.  For me, this only added to how far I had already fallen for Mr Grey.  Critics have complained because the way she has written the book has 'made it impossible for a film adaptation' - were they really serious in thinking that they could make the same film twice?  I worry about some of these people; I really do.

Anyway, as a happy reader, I have to say that I admire E L James for this.  It must have been hard to rewrite something that has been such a massive success, and try to keep a reader's attention.  I have to admit, before starting it, I did wonder how easy it would be to read, when you already knew the story - I worried it would be boring and predictable.  In all honesty, it was completely the opposite, and I found myself trying to remember how Ana had described the same experiences; which was harder than I thought it would be to say I only re-read the series just before the film release back in February.  But all in all, I loved being able to experience the same story, one which I love so much, from another perspective, and all the while, slowly getting to know more about Christian along the way.  I do hope that she intends on writing the other two books in the same way, and that the bad reviews have not put her off.  There are still many loyal fans out there that have loved this opportunity, and really hope that they get a chance to follow Christian through the rest of the well loved journey. (Along with the other two films of course - but there lies a whole other story.)

If I had to criticise in any way, I would have to say that there was one place I felt let down, and that was the flogging in the playroom at the end.  Honestly, I did want to know more of what he was thinking and feeling as he hit her.  I have always wondered that, right from reading the book, but for me, was emphasised when I saw the film.  Jamie Dornan's representation of Christian was amazing, and the emotion that he portrayed with his facial expressions and body language in that scene were truly moving.  Personally, I felt that there was more to know in that scene in the new book, but I was still happy with the insight I did receive.  

I think I have rambled for long enough now, there must be something productive I should be doing, though writing seems more alluring :)  As always!!

Till next time,
Louby x

P.S. All opinions and quotes taken from the review were found on the Mail Online Website - no copyright intended - though I am not going to include the link as I am not aiding their reading figures for such a ridiculous review of an amazing book!

Tuesday 9 June 2015

Curve Ball...

Well we all know what they say about life giving you lemons... Prepare for the best lemonade I can manage!  Or alternatively, I found this, which just about sums up my thoughts on the matter! (Image found on Google, no copyright intended)

Anyway, just when I thought I was getting my life back on track, life decided that I needed a little more to deal with!  But, as my Whatsapp status already quotes - 'When life puts you in a tough situation, don't ask 'Why me?' say 'Try me!''  And I will be damned if anything will put me off course.

So, I've had my night of feeling crappy, I spent some time in bed, even managed to squeeze Sammy in with me for a cuddle!  We had take out for tea for Sammy's birthday, I have munched my way through a bag of chocolate and enjoyed a bottle of chocolate milk and spent the entire evening in my Soldier's hoodie - if only I could have finished it off with a cuddle!  But as of tomorrow I will pick myself up and keep going...  I am going to concentrate on my book for a little while and see if I can get the second one well under way, there are plenty of chapters done, I just need to get some fluency in there and start tying it all together.  The other day I totally put pen to paper and wrote the prologue for the third one - I believe that there is some creative spark arrived with the sunshine!  

And on a final note, I also squeezed in some crafting this afternoon and managed to finish off my latest make :)  I bought a wooden book/storage box from the craft fair at the weekend, and I have decorated it to keep the e-reader in that Sammy is letting me have now that she has her new Galaxy Tab!  Anyone that know me knows that I am not a fan of e-readers, but unfortunately it is becoming a necessity as a lot of authors whose books I read are publishing a lot of material as e-books - and I miss out on them.  So, where as I need the e-reader to catch up on that material, I still love my books - so how to solve this problem... Disguise the e-reader as a book of course.

My Masterpiece!

I hope you like it :)  It now has pride of place on my bookshelf, though it doesn't have the e-reader inside it yet! 

Right, I am feeling the need for bed and a movie... 
Till next time,
Louby x