Saturday 1 March 2014

White Rabbits!

The 1st of March and the end of Half term - How time is flying?! 
I've managed to get this blog post up today, not an epic fail like last time when it didn't make it until the 2nd!  And guess what? This is totally the same thing but for February :) I thought I'd share my thoughts and feelings on the month just gone and check in on how my plans and resolutions are doing!

Where to start?  This time I'm going to start with the fact that, despite my rumblings in the last blog about him not getting out much in February, Vernon has done some serious sight seeing over Half Term! He went to the National Coal Mining Museum where he had lots of photos taken with me and Vicky, and he got himself into lots of places I'm pretty sure he shouldn't have been, plus he went down the mine shaft with us.  Now although we were not aloud to take any photographs down there, I did buy Vernon a certificate for his adventure :) 

After the museum, we took advantage of the reasonably nice weather and headed for Kirkstall Abbey, we knew it was around Leeds somewhere as we had passed it back in January when we went to pick up Mollie.  So we set off, and found it pretty easily - finding the car park however was more difficult than it should have been!  It took us three trips around the block and a one way system that had Vicky swearing!  But we finally made it, only to find out that it had technically shut an hour earlier.  So we went for a walk in the grounds and took some silly pictures and intend on returning another day to actually go and look at the ruins.  Vernon enjoyed the pretty purple crocus' that were growing and, of course, had to have his photograph taken surrounded by them - I think he thought he could blend in!

He also stowed away in my bag to the Butterfly House yesterday when I went out with Momma Kate and Squeak :) He didn't have loads of photo's like he normally would, but he did escape to take a look at the Fairy Village!
To follow Vernon's travels in March, check out #vernonsadventure on Instagram and keep an eye out on the blog for more photographs :)

Sticking with Instagram for now, #mycrazyreadinghabits has seen 4 more uploads during February.  I'm still averaging a book a week!  The Year 10's also finished reading The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time at school during the last week of term too, so I'm definitely seeing plenty of other worlds :)  Never to be complained about... Stick with it on Instagram to see more books and hopefully more interesting backgrounds as I have started to try an put them in situations to do with when I first pick them up, rather than them all have my bedding in the background!

Moving straight on from books to my book... I did it!  I finally did it!  On the 21st February, I sent my final manuscript out to seven different Agencies :) Fingers crossed... Now I just have to wait and see if any of them actually like it!  It is going to be a very very long six weeks!!

In other news, I have kept to swimming with Sammy, and have roped others into it too lol, Vicky has been a couple of times, and so has Fiona!  I'm spreading the fitness bug... granted we haven't been managing the same amount of days, but it's still regular enough, and I am now definitely starting to see the improvement, I can do the half an hour swimming now without really having to stop, and I can pick up the pace and stroke every now and again!  Bring it on!
I have also started going riding more often with Vicky, we are managing once a week at the minute, and usually a decent distance - though none as good as that original hike!  It's definitely improving the muscles in my legs, which is helping at swimming - Bonus!  It's like a little cycle that I didn't even realise I was creating... And speaking of cycles - I fully intend on cracking out my bike when the weather hold steady and the ground dries up a little bit, if anyone would care to join me :)
I have noticed the Spring weather making an attempt to take over Winter :)  Can't wait for some sunshine!

My next challenge - I'm giving up Chocolate for March!  Crazy I know, but I'm going with the idea of determination!  I can do it if I put my mind to it!  And I will do it, I'm seriously going for this whole fit and free thing! - My New Year's Resolution still stands - I'm doing things for me, and making sure I am happy - I may have had a tiny glitch mid month, but after a good talking to myself I shook it off and kept smiling!
As for March, I'm sticking with all my good intentions, and adding to it to keep myself out of trouble - well, the bad kind anyway, 'cos we all know I like trouble :) I am going to make sure I keep smiling and concentrate on all the good things in my life!

Till next time readers :)
Louby x

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