Monday 10 March 2014

Sunny Days :)

Not going to complain if this weather is here to stay!!  I love the sunshine - it just makes everything seem better :) puts a smile on everyone's faces and just generally makes people happier.  Let's hope that Spring is here and we can look forward to more days like yesterday and today!

I made the most out of the sunshine yesterday by going to Rother Valley and getting nice and muddy with the puppies :) We went for a lovely walk around the lake with Dave and even got ice cream.  I made the fatal error of assuming that the ground would be ok, and nearly sunk in the mud in my little grey pumps, (which are now more of a brown colour than grey!) Not even joking - I was filthy by the time I got home again!  
And a day out in the sun... Vernon had to come of course :)

The day before, although not as sunny, was still a pretty epic day :)  Spent it being seriously spontaneous and doing whatever took our fancy at the time.  Started in Castleton, where Vernon went too of course!  
In our wisdom we decided it was a good idea to climb Mam Tor... all the way from the bottom... all the way to the top... in the wind... and cold... with two people that just generally complain a lot... And the bright spark idea of the week goes to!  Nah, despite our moaning about being cold and tired, we did make it all the way to the top, and we felt good for it - it took us just over an hour to make it to the top... and only twenty minutes to get back down to the bottom - where we proceeded to sit in the car for a good quarter of an hour doing nothing!!

 Afterwards, Vernon had to have a nap because he was so tired.  It' alright for some eh?!
For more of Vernon's adventures check out #vernonsadventure on Instagram.

 Overall, the weekend was pretty damn awesome :) and has left me with a decent smile for the week!  Now I'm laid on my bed in the sunshine streaming in through the window.. What more could a girl ask for?

Laters, Louby x

P.S. Photography Challenge is on my to do list this week :)

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