Wednesday 5 March 2014


So, here comes the randomness again...  I was sat earlier, looking out of the window at the sunshine and decided that I needed to crack out my camera again.  It was currently sat on a shelf getting a little dusty, and I thought that it was about time that I got it down, dusted it off and took some photographs.  The million pound question… What should I take photographs of?  I believe this is why it got shelved in the first place, because I just didn't know what to photograph.  I love taking pictures, it sounds ridiculous, but it makes me feel calm.  What you see through the lens in what’s there; no pretending, nothing fake – just the truth of reality.  The magic of it – what you see and what I see will be completely different!  All it takes is a little imagination, to notice something the other didn't, or just to look at it from a different perspective; like upside down!
No copyright intended - image from

Well, since then I have Googled my little heart out to see what I could come up with as a project.  Everything I could find suggests similar things – Photowalks, (where you take a walk somewhere reasonably familiar and start looking at things differently and see what photographs you can take) A-Z challenges, (where you either pick an object or feeling for each letter of the alphabet and take a photograph, or looking for things that look like letters of the alphabet in nature) picking an object and shooting it in lots of different ways, (shoes seem to be a popular one for this, and some of the photos are pretty cool actually) and the idea of taking a photo every day for a set amount of time, (sometimes with a theme, or having to include yourself, others just of something relating to your day).  Not many have grabbed my interest like I need it to, however, there was one that did.  A Scavenger Hunt! 

The idea is to make a list of objects, places, people, feelings or ideas, give the list to several different people, and then each of them go out and take the photographs for the list.  The diversity of photographs that come back on some of these projects look stunning, and I think it would be an awesome thing to try.  The photographs can be edited by the photographer, they can have special effects put on them when taken if being taken on a camera phone etc, or left as they appear after being taken, which gives a fantastic appearance when the photos are all seen together at the end of the Scavenger Hunt.

So… My proposal… I want to create a Photographic Scavenger Hunt :)

My first hurdle; I need some volunteers to get involved.  I will create the list and get it to each person who wants to participate and set a date to have the photographs back by.  Then, when all the photos have been taken and edited by the photographers, they will be collated and I will post them on my blog (with links to each member’s blog/Facebook/Instagram) and show the different takes on each idea.  Obviously all photographs will remain copyrighted to the person who takes them, but I will ask that until they have been posted on my blog for the challenge, that they are not posted anywhere else.  Afterwards, they can be put on blogs, Facebook and Instagram etc (preferably with a link to my blog so that others can see the project) and depending on the success, I may repeat the project with another list :)  

What do people think?  If you are interested, please comment on here, on Facebook, or drop me an email or text and I will look into the finer details of the whole project :)

Eek!  Excited now, and to get my creativeness off to a good start, I even went out to play with the camera for some good ideas... and to get muddy with my puppies - who definitely enjoyed their spontaneous walk!!

Over and out - Louby x

1 comment:

  1. ill do it ? seems like a really good idea :) I need a hobby for now :)
