Sunday 16 March 2014

Photography Challenge

Ok, so I had this idea about a Photographic Scavenger Hunt not long back... since then I have had several people show there interest in taking part and I have looked into a set of rules and ideas for the photographs.

So here are the rules:

  • All photos must be originals taken by the 'photographer' taken during the time period of the challenge
  • Photos may be edited, both with alterations to the picture and with quotes/lyrics 
  • Any quotes/lyrics that are used must be sourced so that there are no copyright infringements
  • No photos that are entered into the challenge are to be posted on any other social media site before the blog has been posted with the photographs.  All photos will remain copyrighted to the 'photographer' and can be used in any way after the blog post - but I ask that they do not get used before, so that the pictures are new when posted for the challenge
  • All entries must be submitted by email/facebook email before the date given as this will be the day that they blog will be updated
  • Photos submitted must have the name from the challenge with them, any comments that you want publishing with them and any copyright sources that need to be included
  • You must enter all photo's from the challenge to be included in the blog post!
Photo's will not be accepted if:

  • They have already been posted on another social media site before entry
  • There is no copyright source to any quotes/lyrics used
  • They are submitted on or after the date given for the challenge
The object the of the challenge is to show how differently one idea can be interpreted - so remember to be creative; think outside the box and most of all - Have Fun!!

Photo Challenge - Blog post will be updated on April 1st (No April Fools)
Seven ideas - seven photos
  1. A Book
  2. Reflection
  3. The number 'Three'
  4. The Moon
  5. Light
  6. Flower
  7. Black and White
For anyone who read this tonight - there is a Full Moon if you're interested :)

For my email address feel free to contact me - or just send them over Facebook when you have them ready - Please try and email them all in one go - not one photo at a time!

Enjoy :)

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