Sunday 23 February 2014

Bring on Half Term!

Well I started Half Term off with a bang!  :)  Keeping to routine, and despite being late, I finished school on Friday and headed straight to swimming.  Now if I'm going to be honest, I can't say that I actually did much swimming... However, I got nearly as much exercise!  Whilst trying to tread water and hold a conversation, fend off my sister and her dunking attempts and the incredibly immature, but extremely funny attempts at playing Sharks and Fishies, I think I succeeded in burning off a few calories.  
I spent most of Friday night faffing with the last few bits of story stuff ready to be sent off into the big wide world Saturday morning!  Yes, I have finally done it!  After years of writing, months and months of editing, and weeks of titivating - I finally decided that it was ready.  I have sent it out to several agencies... Now I just have to wait!  It's terrifying!  

Saturday saw some beautiful weather... and I mean proper clear blue sky, sun shining, windows down on the car... So what did me and Sammy decide to do?  We went shopping of course - inside a building, the sky not in sight!  We have the best ideas; by the time we finished the sun had disappeared again!  
For those of you following Vernon on Instagram at #vernonsadventure you will see that he came to Crystal Peaks with us.  I can tell you now, Sammy was incredibly unimpressed!  I was feeling bad - he hasn't been out much this month as I've had a few money issues, so I thought that he might enjoy the trip out.  We even took a selfie while Sammy was trying some boots on.

I fully intend on Scrap Booking Vernon's Adventures around the country at some point - my intentions were to do it each month, but I've failed so far as I never got around to doing January, and now I have a few things going on that need to take priority.
Despite not getting out much, he still gets plenty of attention though.  We even had a photo shoot moment the other night and I got some really nice pictures of him.  Yes, before anyone says it, I know I'm crackers... But I enjoyed myself and the photographs look awesome!  

As for Half Term - I'm sure I fully intend on making sure he gets out somewhere!  I'm thinking there are lots more silly pictures to be taking and plenty of memories to be made.

Anyway, back to the start of the holiday... Saturday night!  It was all planned; me, Sammy and Vicky were off to Snafu to get drunk - A mini celebration on my book, Vicky's job and general Half Term fun.  The plans were made, we were meeting my Auntie there too and we had every intention of having a great night!  
Well it was definitely a great night!!  It started out with me being daring and actually making a decent effort with my outfit - and even if I have to say it myself - I looked awesome!

As for the actual night out - I'm not sure there are any words to describe it... Far too many cocktails, all with provocative names of course, and far too many spirits than should be legal!  I lost count of how many cocktails I drank, never mind how much alcohol I actually consumed!  But it doesn't really matter - we went out to have a laugh, and we certainly achieved it!

As per usual, we took far too many photographs - most of which had my sister making silly faces in!  And several of which have a funny red tint to them because of the lighting in Snafu.  We Sang along (badly) to loads of songs, many of which seemed to be pulled straight from the Rock of Ages soundtrack, and danced our little hearts out on the dance floor.  When we have thought about it, I've never actually been out clubbing like that before with Sammy, and I've learned that she's a nutter when it comes to Rock and Metal music and a dance floor - She was really going for it!

By the end of the night there were a lot of sore feet, a fair few complaints about being too hot, way too many unwelcome advances from strangers old enough to be our dad's, and some new friends made :)  All in all, I think it could be called a success!

As you can imagine, having stayed out till Snafu closed at 3am and not crawling into bed until gone 4am, getting up this morning was definitely a challenge!  But, we managed it, and after a hangover curing foot long sub from Subways, we headed to the cinema's to watch The Lego Movie with Auntie Arri and Tyler.  Well recommended - the film was hilarious!

So... for the start of Half Term - I think it is safe to say I saw it in with a bang, a much deserved and needed release, and I can't wait to see what the rest of the week will bring!

I'll keep you posted, and don't forget to keep an eye out for Vernon at #vernonsadventure on Instagram.

Enjoy Half Term :)
Louby x

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