Saturday 29 March 2014

Sunshine, smiles and some creativity :)

I figured I haven't blogged in a while, so why not write while I'm sat here looking at the sunshine?!  As seen as the Photography Challenge photos are due to be posted on the 1st April, I decided that I would do my March review so that I have plenty to talk about - though to be honest, I don't think I have done much this month...

Where to start?  

The beginning maybe?  The 1st March - I made the fatal error of agreeing to go to corp!  I honestly don't know what possesses me to do these things... The brightly coloured pints?  The black mark on the back of my hand that didn't come off for days?  The loud band that sounded better when the singer stopped yelling into the microphone?  (No offence to those of you that do like them :p) It was a good job there was decent company eh?!  Went clubbing with my little sister and the boys... Was an awesome night - until it wasn't - but we won't go into that!  It's not a night I plan to repeat anytime soon let's put it that way.
I did run into an old friend from school though - silver lining and all that - and have spent time with him since, which has brought on some serious spontaneity...
Leading straight into the next thing on my list - the weekend enjoying the weather and being all outdoorsie...  yes that's a word now!  

You already know I spent a day playing nicely at being a big kid out on the mountains... and a morning enjoying the sun in Rother Valley - I thought I'd put up some more pics I found of those days just because I can :)

I have spent a lot of time riding this month :) I think I have averaged at least once a week - I love being out on the horses, I love the freedom and the fresh air, and the conversation with Vicky of course :) 
She abandoned her girls this weekend to go and spend some time at the Caravan, so I got the pleasure of looking after the girlies!  Been up there this morning in the sunshine to turf them out and sort the stables out.  Enjoyed spending some time out in the peace and quiet on my own - even got some piccies with the girls :)
My beautiful girl Rosie :) 

Vicky's baby Mollie :)

My goal this summer (And Vicky here it is in writing so there's no backing out now) I want to start jumping with Rosie.  Vicky taught me to ride, and gave me the opportunity to become a reasonably competent rider.  My next challenge is that I want to learn to trust her enough to let her jump when I'm riding her.  So Vicky - that's your teaching abilities booked!  :)

Something else I've done a lot of this month is go to the cinema - I've managed that once a week too, and with someone different each time lol!  Seen some good films this month too - and some that don't even deserve a mention - it was a good job it was decent company :)
Vernon even made it to the cinema again - he sat on my shoulder throughout the entire film to watch!  Sammy wasn't impressed I'll tell ya!  She's still not a fan of him coming out when I'm with her!

He also made it to the pub too, helped with the quiz - of which we came like next to last... We're so awesome!  But we had a good time, and ate far too many sweets in place of not drinking too much.  There was a serious sugar high and an even more serious come down the next day - not even joking!

Other than that - and a lot of lazing around watching DVD's, I haven't done much.  I must up my game for April - more randomness needed!  It's on my to do list!  As for #mycrazyreadinghabits on Instagram - I know there hasn't been much activity this month - I am alternating between reading and watching Seasons 1 to 3 of Veronica Mars ready for the film that's coming out, so a lot of the time I would normally spend reading, I am watching hour long episodes of that.  Once I finish them, the reading will pick up again - I have a list waiting of the things I want to get read.  
Remember to keep up with Vernon at #vernonsadventure on Instagram, he will be joining I with whatever randomness I manage to pull off.
And just to involve everyone in my success - my month of no chocolate... has been a success.  To be honest I haven't really struggled with it either.  I thought it was going to kill me, I really did - but I even turned down the awesome chocolate caterpillar cake at work yesterday!  Was a little guttered at that - but I survived and feel better for the detox - my skin definitely looks better for it!  

The only other thing that I haven't mentioned was the Facebook craze of no make-up selfies for Cancer Awareness - I did join in and do my part - and Vernon even got involved - though he never wears make-up, so not sure whether his counts or not?!  He's spent a lot of time having cuddles this last few weeks too :) if you're following him on Instagram then you will have seen :)  He can be a right little snuggle bunny!

Well, I think that is enough rambling for today - I need to get something productive done.

Till April - remember to get your photo's to me before the 1st if you want putting on the blog - I can't wait to see them all together!

Louby x

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