Tuesday 1 April 2014

Fantasy Photography Challenge :)

Well the 1st April is here... that was the deadline!  I'm not gonna lie, I'm a little disappointed with how many people haven't taken part when they said they were going to.  But hey ho - Not my problem!
So here goes - the general idea of the challenge was to see what variety of photographs came from the same ideas.  I have definitely got that because they look awesome!  

Number one was a book...

My photograph :)
My ring balanced with the right lighting to represent my love for books! 

Daddy's photograph :)
A really cool idea with the pages!

Mummy's photograph :)
One of her favourite quotes from Twilight!

Vicky's Photograph :)
Looking at a book from a different perspective!
 Number two was reflection...

My photograph :)
Using the reflection to create a little magic (and writing that backwards was tricky I'll tell ya!)


Mummy's photograph :)
The only one of us not to use a mirror of some sort - clever thinking!

Vicky's photograph :)
I hope you weren't driving when yo took this Miss Gould!! 

Daddy's photograph :)
Same goes for you - you'd better have been parked!
 Number three was the number three...

My photograph :) 
Three little lights in the dark!

Vicky's photograph :)
The only one of us to use the actual number three... very cool effect!

Mummy's photograph :)
This makes me chuckle every time I look at it!

Daddy's photograph :)
Three Royal Mail vans all lined up in a row!

 Number four was the moon...

My photograph :)
I had to get creative as I fully intended on capturing the full moon but it evaded me completely!

Mummy's photograph :)
Some improvisation here too, epic idea!

Daddy's photograph :)
The actual moon in the actual night sky!

Vicky's photograph :)
A beautifully made point!

Number five was light...

My photograph :)
Lickle Wishie swimming around, I loved the way the light came through the water!

Vicky's photograph :)
The very pretty sunrise!

Mummy's photograph :)
Shining in the darkness! 

Daddy's photograph :)
Little fairy lights all caught up in a jar!
Number six was flower...

My photograph :)
This took me forever - I knew what I wanted it to look like but could not for the life of me get it right lol!

Daddy's photograph :)
Up close and in pale colours!

Mummy's photograph :)
Up close like Daddy's! 

Vicky's photograph :)
Up close like the other two but I love the water droplets on this one!
 Number seven was black and white...

My photograph :)
Love this view when I walk past it every day at school - think it looks stunning in black and white!

Vicky's photograph :)
This looks like a really old photograph - I love the effect it has!

Mummy's photograph :)
Showcasing her awesome talents and penmanship!

Daddy's photograph :)
Actually of something that is black and white!

I love how these look together :)  I love how everyone had totally different ideas on seven reasonably simple things!  See what thinking outside the box can bring you!

Till next time :)
Louby x

1 comment:

  1. Wow! They all look fab - loved seeing all the different ways. Looking forward to the next challenge ;) xx
