Friday 14 February 2014

Valentine's Day

It’s that day!  February the 14th!  It seems to come around quite quick this year - I cant believe we are already half way through February!  I’m not gonna lie, I was kinda dreading today; doesn't every single girl hate the idea of being alone on Valentine’s Day?  It’s a day meant for love, for flowers and chocolates, and of course teddy bears.  But most of all it’s about knowing that you’re loved.  About that one person that you can’t get out of your head reminding you that you mean the world to them too!

Well this year my Valentine is Simba :)

We are going to get snuggled up in my new comfy corner (the result of the chaos in my head a couple of nights ago) and eat plenty of chocolate and watch some films.  I’m currently undecided as to whether to watch some girly mush like P.S I Love You and The Notebook, or to crack out the horror movies!  Or you never know, taking into account my choice of company – I might even watch some Disney movies – The Lion King being top of the list of course :)

It’s not all bad today though – I mean normally, there is quite a lot of pressure surrounding Valentine's Day; making sure that you have bought the presents, and written on the card, and organised surprises.  Now don’t get me wrong I’ve had some pretty awesome Valentine’s Days, and I’ve loved every minute of them.  This year however, I get to spoil myself!  I get to do what I want to do, without having to worry about making someone else happy.  That sounds a little bit harsh I know, and I don’t mean it to – but in the interest of my New Year’s Resolution – Live life for me; do what makes me happy – so that is exactly what I am doing.  I am making myself happy!  And tonight, I plan to have fun with my teddy bears – call me sad; then ask me if I care – I chose to stay single, I want to enjoy my own company and grow as an individual, and that is damn well what I’m going to do!

I might even do some drawing or crafting - If I have enough stuff I might make a new dream catcher :)  Haven't made one for a while now!  If I remember correctly the last ones were for Momma Kate and Squeak.  Or, I found this awesome idea on the internet earlier, might have a go at making some of these if I can work out how to keep the framework solid.

For this idea and some others, see: 
(Photo and idea from here - no copyright intended)

I guess all that is left to say is Enjoy your Valentine's Day's!  And remember... Stay Happy! :)