Wednesday 5 February 2014

I wish I may, I wish I might...

When someone says to you "Make a wish" - what goes through your head?  My ind goes completely blank and I stand for ages pondering what would be a suitable thing to wish for; what is possible in a given time limit and whether or not I am being reasonable in my requests...  But to be honest, a wish should be spontaneous, the first thing that comes to mind when you hear those words.  
So here goes:

Make a wish...

Honestly, what would your wish be?  Is it simple?  Is it heart related, or something more materialistic?  It shouldn't matter whether you think it is an unreasonable to ask for, because who's to say what is unreasonable?

If you want to get technical, then 'wishing' in the first place could be classed as unreasonable, or even unjustifiable.  I mean, what is a wish anyway?  Who are you hoping will answer exactly?  To be able to make a wish in the first place, you need to believe in something (and there is a whole other blog, for a whole other day!)  You need a firm belief in who or what you believe is going to listen and respond to that wish of yours!

Personally, I do believe that a higher power will listen.My wishes may not get answered straight away, but there will be a reason for that - I truly believe that everything happens for a reason, and that it's all controlled by destiny.  The idea that everything and everyone has a purpose in life, and everything that happens, happens for a purpose; even if that purpose is hard to find or understand.  So, when I make a wish, it is controlled by my destiny as to whether or not I deserve it to come true.

Anyway, I guess the next logical question is 'when do you make a wish?'  Well there are thousands of reasons you could make a wish for something, and again, everyone will believe in something a little bit different.

One I bet we have all heard: I bet you were all told to make a wish when blowing out the candles!
(No copyright intended - photo is just from the internet)

But here are a few others, some I'd not heard of, I did Google wish to see what it came up with... (All photo's from the internet - no copyright intended)

 Wishing on a full moon, blowing out a dandelion clock, the wish bone, the stroke of midnight, a shooting star, throwing a penny in a fountain or wishing well, the brightest star in the sky... There are loads more, these are just a few that I had already heard, or liked the sound of.  

I have always wished upon a full moon, thrown pennies into fountains, watched shooting stars.  However, wishing upon the stroke of midnight was one I'd never heard before, but I love the sound of.  The bit of information I could find was obviously very contradictory, as it is just a belief, but from what I could gather; you wish while the clock would be chiming midnight on the turn of a month, and the wish should come true during the new month.  Who knows, I might give that one a try :)

But anyway, back to the point - wishing - it is basically a trust in something bigger than you.  Believing that there is something out there that can control the big things in life.  It's blind faith, in something that there is no proof for, or any kind of sense to really.  It's the faith in yourself, to trust and believe that you are capable of anything i you put your mind to it, capable of accomplishing the things that you wish for by kidding yourself into believing that something else is in control.

Well guess what... You're in control!  You are the one building your life, your future - go out there and grab it with both hands!

And remember... to make a wish!

Louby x

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