Sunday 16 February 2014

Cloud Nine

I've been thinking... And before anyone says it - or even thinks it - Yes; I am very aware that me thinking can be a very dangerous past time!  However, my thoughts today are all good, and not in any way shape or form dangerous - Promise!  
Today, I have been thinking over the last couple of days and the events, and of some of the things that have been said to me by those that care about me.

Yesterday I saw my little man and Momma.  Now for those who don't know anything bout my relationship with Momma Kate, it's pretty simple.  I met her the day I moved into Halls of Residence at the beginning of my first year of University.  She was going to be living in the room down the hall from me, and from the moment we met we knew we'd be friends.  When my mom left that day, she left me in the arms of Kate, and from that moment on, she has looked after me in every way a friend should!  I like to think that I have looked out for her and looked after her too, but I pale in comparison - It's in her nature - Hence the name Momma Kate.  She has been since that day, and it still sticks even now :)  Anyway - years down the line, and one gorgeous little boy later - she made me one of Seth's Godparents.  Now I'm not even going to pretend that that moment was not one of the happiest in my life to date!  I had no words to say how much it meant to me that she wanted me to play that role in his life, and still don't for that matter!  But anyway, all that mushiness aside, he is one of the most important people in my life now, even though he's the smallest, and I love him more than life anything!  

But back to the point.  Having no seen him since before Christmas, I had every intentions of making the most of him yesterday, and boy did I get what I wanted :)  I was met with a huge smile and him flinging his arms around me... There is no need to worry about his trust in me because he had every faith that I would catch him, despite the fact that I had full hands at the time.  And the kid doesn't miss a trick I'm telling ya!  One of the things I had in my hand was a little black bag with some bath toys in for him, and his little smile and question are undoubtedly one of the cutest things in the world.  He knows I near enough always turn up with presents (Isn't that what God Mothers are for?) and he was in the bag before we made it back to the front room!  

I spent the day with him and Momma and Chris, her hubby.  Now he likes to make out that he doesn't like me and that I get on his nerves, but I know deep down that he likes me really.  Or i seriously hope that he does anyway... Not that it will affect me turning up on his doorstep regularly... He'll just have to survive :p (Luv ya really Christopher!) 
We went for some lunch and I got to sit next to Seth - I've never seen someone so small put away so much food - and Daddy enjoyed himself colouring in the kiddie sheet meant to occupy Squeak!  (Again for those of you who don't know anything about him - Squeak is the nickname I gave Seth when he was little) After lunch we headed for the Fun Farm :) Now seriously, Momma asks far too often if I'm ok with playing with Seth, and whether I mind looking after him and going with him - she really needs to stop asking those questions, because she knows full well that I don't mind at all - I love it!  

Seth led the way and we headed up the stairs - he can be such a cutie - beaching himself on the platforms waiting for me to give him a shove up because he's too short to climb up them properly.  But he is so adventurous, and boy can he shift when he wants to.  He took off at one bit and I struggled to keep up, all the time laughing and giggling his head off.  And of course I took advantage and took some pictures of him - He's far too photogenic for his own good!  (Oh and did I mention that Vernon came too?  Check him out at #vernonsadventure on Instagram)

It doesn't matter what mood I'm in before, or how bad of a week I might have had - When I see him, everything is better!  He makes me smile just by looking at me, and I feel so privileged to be a part of his life.  

Back at home we played with pretty much all of his toys, and the empty box, because they are the best bit!  He has some cute little wooden animals that we kept hiding down his top (Sorry Mummy for the stretched neckline) and then there were fits of giggles when we emptied them out of the bottom.  That game lasted ages :) and I believe there is photographic evidence floating around on Facebook!  The empty toy box proved useful as a boat/car that slid easily along the floor, with Seth inside it of course, though I couldn't fit the lid back on top hehe.

And to round off the visit, I got a Sethy kiss and a cuddle bye bye before he went off to bed.  When it came to time to leave, I can honestly say that any minor troubles that were left in my mind from the week were well ad truly gone!  Dealt with free of charge!  Who needs therapy or a professional to talk to - you just need a little boy with the character and a half!

After seeing Momma and Squeak, I headed to see a mate before coming home.  We went for being random and went to Pizza Hut just for cookie dough and ice cream, then went for a drive under the full moon (and when I mentioned Werewolves she totally locked the doors).  Where did we go I hear you ask?  Well, we didn't have the foggiest - we turned left, headed down a road, made a few random turns and ended up miles away from where we started, completely lost and didn't even have the Cathedral in view to guide us back in the right direction.  So a couple of hours later we made it back, having had the most random of conversations I have ever known, and I came home.  I quite like the drive home at night - I always liked it when I was driving home from Uni, the dark, the peace and quiet, and the lack of traffic on the roads.  So, I had The Pretty Reckless turned up full belt and sang my little out of tune heart out all the way home!

Now once I got back home I had the task of convincing the truly elusive to come and see me!  Talk about a hard guy to organise to see, it doesn't even come close!  But he turned up eventually and we watched Avenger's Assemble before he left again.
(No copyright intended)

But to the point of this whole post...  I have had several people tell me recently to be careful, and to make sure that I am looking after myself so that I don't get hurt.  I have also had several tell me that 'You only live once' and to make sure it's a life well lived.  Well... wasn't that what my whole resolution for the year was about - To live my life for me - To make sure I was happy - Well I am happy!  Extremely happy!  And for those of you worrying about me, don't.  I'm a big girl :)  And I have no doubt that I will probably get hurt along the way, because it's in my nature - I tend to find myself in these situations, and I can see it coming... Is it going to stop me from doing it in the first place?  No - It damn well is't!  Because at some point in your life, everything that you do has made you smile... You did it for a reason, and whether or not that reason changes and you think differently about it later, it still made you smile at that moment - so yes I may do silly things sometimes - but they make me happy!  And that's what's important in life, because someone once said... 

You don't judge life by how many years you've lived...
But by how many memories you make living it!
(Not my quote but have no idea where I read it - 
no copyright intended)

And to refer to the image I put above - I have said before that I truly believe that everything happens for a reason.  Well if that be so, then the life that you live is one that you can handle; whether you believe you can or not, it was dealt to you for a reason - and you are strong enough!

Think about that next time you complain about your life being too complicated of too difficult!  It isn't - you're just not trying hard enough!  I thought log and hard about this whilst on horse back today in the decent weather... Maybe, just maybe, even that is looking up!  Optimism - It's a wonderful thing... Louby x

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