Monday 30 November 2015

Leaving the past behind us...

Well, as a fine young meerkat once said, 'You gotta put your behind, in your past!'  But more importantly, a very wise old monkey once said, 'The past can hurt.  But you can either run from it, or learn from it.'  What have I learned?  Well for a start, not to trust anyone as far as you can throw them...  As far as work goes, that's all it is ever gonna be - there is no such thing as friends!  'Cos they will stab you in the back the minute they get a chance.  There are only a few exceptions to that rule, and they know who they are; there are some people that you truly connect with, and they are the ones who will stick by you through anything.  The others, not worth your time!  

But anyway, onwards and upwards so to speak.  I have decided to leave all the crap in November, and as of tomorrow it is a fresh start!  It's over.  I can now concentrate on the future and move on with my life; after I've picked up the last few pieces and worked out what I am going to do that is... But that is what the New Year is for!  A completely fresh start!  And I say, bring it on!!

*Quotes are of course, Timon and Rafiki from The Lion King - no copyright intended*

In other news... The new story is well on it's way now... There were two winners of the competition that was running on Angel's Facebook and they know who they are - they're kind of the only ones who took part properly!!  So their characters are being developed and they will find themselves in the acknowledgements when the book is published!  (Which I hope will be Spring/Summer time next year!)

If you don't already have your copy of The love that binds us then go check it out on Amazon now!  In January I plan to release the book as a whole with bonus material, and in a way that means you can buy it as a hard copy!  And I will even consider signing them for my close friends and family that have supported me every step of the way through this adventure!

Till next time...
Louby x

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