Saturday 21 November 2015

Competition Time!!

Just a quick one... 

Over on Angel's Facebook Page there is a competition running for a chance to get your ideas for a character in the new book!  A murder mystery style story filled with supernaturals.  All you have to do is pop over to the page, pop your ideas in the comments and wait and see.  The winners will get their characters developed into the book, and get an acknowledgement when it gets published.  I also intend on making this one available to purchase as a hard copy - If you're really lucky, I will sort out signing them too!!
Competition will close on the first of December as it is getting to a point in writing where adding new characters would be difficult.  So get your ideas in quick for a chance to be included!!

So, go take a look... I can't wait to hear some of your ideas.  

For those of you who haven't yet got your copy of The love that binds us head over to Amazon now and get yours now!  Again, I'd always love to hear your ideas - pop back over to Amazon when you're done reading and leave a review, and of course feel free to leave comments on Facebook!

Till next time,
Louby x

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