Friday 27 November 2015

What is Disney coming to?!


Okay, I have to say it - the writers for Disney are getting worse!!  Talk about dark and upsetting.  I know Walk Disney wasn't exactly a saint.  There was plenty wrong with his films when you look back on them with an adult mind set, and to be honest it is quite worrying when you think that it is what we were exposed to as children, and are still exposing children to now.  

I mean, let us look at the facts...  The Princess stories taught us that talking to strange men was okay if they were handsome, and that you can fall in love with the first man you meet.  It wasn't until the more recent films; the likes of Brave and Frozen, that Disney made a stand about 'not marrying the man you just met' and proving that women don't need a man to find true love or to survive.  Personally, I loved the message in Frozen about there being other forms of love that are more powerful than that of a Prince and a Princess.  (I have a little sister, and I know that feeling of doing anything for her!)  
Beauty and the Beast displays a clear message that Stockholm Syndrome is acceptable; she falls for the Beast even though he is her captor.  The Little Mermaid taught us that it is okay to change for a man.  Snow White ran away to the forest and lived with seven men.  The Hunchback of Notre Dame told us that the nice guys never gets the girl, no matter how much he tries.
Many of the films are upsetting before you even get anywhere near the end... The death of Mufasa in The Lion King was
a devastating blow and I still don't think we have gotten over it.  The hunters that killed Bambi's mum made us all weep like babies, the death of Tod's mother and then the moment that Widow Tweed has to leave him in the game reserve was heart breaking, and the captivity of Dumbo's mother when she stands up for her son and tries to protect him made us all cry - and the song 'Baby Mine' still makes me tear up!  And slightly more recently - the beginning of Finding Nemo when the barracuda kills Coral...  Disney has a serious issue with parents clearly - how many do they have to kill off??
Another tear jerker is when Jessie sings 'When she loved me' in Toy Story 2.  Tackling the idea of abandonment in childhood toys... tell me; who still has their childhood teddy? I know I do - he still sleeps in my bed!
Let's review the bad guys too - how scary were some of them?!  Scar (The Lion King), Gaston (Beauty and the Beast), The Wicked Queen (Snow White), Jafar (Alladin), Ursula (Little Mermaid), Queen of Hearts (Alice in Wonderland) - but let's be honest... the scariest; has to be Rasputin from Anastasia.  He frightened the living daylights out of me as a kid!!  No joke!
And to top off all of that - the sexual innuendos in the early Disney films were not exactly sparse!  Walt Disney was a strange man indeed.


But the new Disney Pixar films seem to be taking things to a new level; they are just getting worse. More dark, more upsetting... What with killing off main characters... I absolutely cried my eyes out during Big Hero 6 - and I know that they brought him back to life in the end, but they still killed him off in the first place... You just don't do that!!
The in Home they led us to believe that they had killed Oh, and after the escapade with Baymax, we believed it!!
More recently, the storyline in general with Bing Bong in Inside Out was so upsetting, but then his self sacrifice to save Joy's life was enough to bring even the adults to tears!  

But to top it all off, we went to see The Good Dinosaur tonight... Oh my God, what an emotional roller coaster that was.  It was horrific... Somebody had taken inspiration from The Lion King and we had some parent loss again, then it was just accident after accident and the poor little dinosaur got injured so many times it was awful.  Then it had such an upsetting part in it that even the little lad sat behind us was absolutely sobbing his heart out.  And he was lucky if he was ten.  If it could effect him like that, imagine how me and Sammy were - in absolute floods!!!!!  No make up left job... It was heart wrenching!  

Disney are changing the goal posts and their films are getting more and more adult like - deeper, like Inside Out, scarier, more upsetting.. and what on earth is the idea of killing main characters - You just don't do that!!!

Anyway, rant over... all opinions are my own and not endorsed by Disney or any other company.  There is no copyright intended on anything I have said or quotes I have used, and the images are all pulled from Google Images - No copyright intended!

Apologies if I have offended anyone haha,
Louby x

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