Tuesday 22 December 2015

Another year coming to an end...

Well, we have all survived another year... even though it has kinda been a sucky one!  2015 has thrown some serious crap my way this year, and I know that I am not the only one who has had a naff year.  What with one thing and another, the second half of the year at least, has been ridiculously long and has had so many problems that I think I have lost count.  Anyway, other than the on going situation involving Hospital visits, tests and antibiotics, the rest has just about sorted itself out, there is just the matter of rebooting my life in January!  

The one thing that I have learned this year, that I am going to keep in mind for the future, is that the whole Jekyll and Hyde idea is very much real.  Metaphorically of course.  Everyone is a Jekyll in the sense that they portray a version of themselves to the world, a version that they think others will like.  Some people are more honest about their version of themselves, others create a persona that they use against the world.  The Hyde in people is the side of them that is more honest, the side of them that is true.  And sometimes, that part of a person can be extremely ugly, again metaphorically.  What I'm trying to say is that you should never trust the façade that people show to the world.  I did, and it bit me in the ass!  Never again!  We all have two sides; the difference between good and bad people is just how we choose to use those sides of us!  

Moving on... Christmas is upon us... Though ours is going to be seriously higgledy piggledy this year due to Grandma taking up residence in the Hospital, it is still the festivities that we are all looking forward to!  I have to work tomorrow... the last shift before having a few days off over Christmas...  I am totally going to work in my Santa outfit - Photos will be posted to Instagram!  I don't care what anyone says, we all need a little Christmas Spirit now!  Then it's all about Christmas!
I have so many plans... Who'd have thought it was all going to fit into three days!?

Then of course we have the New Year... I have some ideas for Resolutions... Along with a lot of to-do's!  But we'll get to them after Christmas.  One of my main ones though, s to try and keep this updated more - I think I need a new purpose for it!  Any ideas?!  My general life story just can't be entertaining!  So, all ideas welcome!

Till next time,
Have an awesome Christmas!

Love Louby x

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