Friday 11 September 2015


Where to start?!  I have so much going on right now I'm surprised my head hasn't exploded and that would only serve to make a mess, which I would have to clean up - hence only adding to the things that I have to do.  Let's start with work - my little eight hour contract with some overtime has turned into a full time contract by default. There aren't many of us there anyway, and now what with students returning to University/College, people going on holiday and some people off sick, it is left to a couple of us to cover the shifts, and no joke, I have been there near enough every night so far.  This week I am working a seven day week, I am even going in to cover the end of a shift today, which should have been my day off.  It is bedlam I tell ya - if anyone wants a job, feel free to swing by and see the boss!!  And likewise - if you want me, you're most likely to find me there, swing by and say hi!!

Aside from work I have my writing and my online course that I am supposed to be concentrating on - I am not going to lie, they have both had to take a back seat this week, I just haven't had the time, other than the scribbling I do when I'm on lates at work!  They all just want typing up and putting into order; I probably have nearly a whole book written there haha.  Next week I need to put some time aside to get my head down and get some writing done on the new story I have lined up for Amazon!  And the course, well, I had a go at one of the tasks at work too, nights can be very slow and boring when there are no customers, so you will often find me writing in my little book :) But again, I need to get it all written up etc.  Oh to have the time.  

I am now playing taxi for Sammy five mornings a week for her exciting new venture into the world of Teaching... I am up before seven most mornings to take her to her friend's house so that they can get off to work... then I am up and ready for the day - I tell ya what, it's a good job that I am up so early otherwise I would never get anything done.  Then most days I am at work till eleven... There is no wonder I am ready for the weekend (Not that it means no working!) I think I may be burning the candle at both ends so to speak!  

Anyway - I am trying to keep up with as many people as possible, if you text and I don't reply you can pretty much guarantee it is because I am at the Co-op!  I will be in touch as soon as I have some free time hehe.  I think even my Mom has started to forget what I look like, I am just someone who sleeps in her house at the minute lol.  It will be nice to get to spend some time with her later, Sammy, her and I are hopefully off to the cinema when I get home from work later today :)  Girl's night!  I have so may people that I want to see ad catch up with, but finding a free day, or even an afternoon at the minute is ridiculously hard work - I hope it calms down when we get some new staff in at work.  Then I can concentrate on all the other aspects of my life - at the  minute I am wondering whether to just take a sleeping bag to work and camp out!  Customers keep laughing and asking if I ever go home!

I know it's a regular comment now, but it is my dream coming true - if you haven't already, get yourself over to Amazon and get your copy of The love that binds us today!  There are three parts available now, part four will be available next weekend!  If you have already bought and read them - please head back over to the site and leave reviews on each part :) 

And amidst all the chaos, let's not forget the date today and take a moment to remember the thousands of people who lost their lives fourteen years ago today when the twin towers fell.  And keep the hundreds of thousands of lives that this devastating event effected, and still effects every day.  I can not even begin to imagine what the families went through, or still go through with such a horrific mark on their lives.  Never forget!

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