Sunday 20 September 2015

Believe in yourself!

Life is meant to test us.  If it's easy for you then you're living a lie; you're not trying hard enough to fulfil your potential.  You have to work hard, chase your dreams and never give up on what you truly believe in.  You have to learn to navigate the obstacles that life throws your way and always make the best of any situation that you find yourself in.  It's a state of mind, one that you have to work hard at.  
That's what I am doing.  I am chasing the dreams that I have, and I will not be defeated.  One day I will see my name in print, with a reputable publisher by my side!  But I know that it's not going to be easy, I know that I have to work for it, and fight every step of the way .  Something else I know; life isn't going to make it easy for me either; what with knock back after knock back and then having false temptation put directly in front of me.  

But all of that aside, life in general is never going to turn out exactly how you intended it to.  What with Fate and Mother Nature having their say, and the infinite other factors and people that have their effect upon your life; there really is no wonder that things always seem to me coming at us from left field. 

Your only job when this happens?  Face it.  Deal with it.  And then move on. 

Sounds so easy doesn't it?  Well honestly, it really can be that simple.  

Step one: Face it!   I'm talking straight up - investigate the details (and I mean really investigate  - find out all sides to the story, all the details, find the loopholes and sort the facts from the gossip.)  Then allow yourself some time to process it all.  This is a personal thing; every one will be different - my way?!  I give myself the night...  It usually involves alcohol (in varying amounts dependant on the situation), some family time and often some tears...  For example; my  most recent one was a night in a fort with Dean playing Lara Croft on the PS4, having a drink and generally laughing.  And there weren't any tears... well, apart from the ones from laughing too much.  For me it works - for others is won't.  Find your own escape!

Step two: Deal with it!   This is the part that sounds so simple, but really it is all about perspective and your state of mind.  So it can be that easy; you just have to look at it properly.  Train yourself to see the best in every situation, to find the silver lining to every dark cloud and it will slowly become second nature.  Deal with it in your own way, find a way that suits you.  Some people will choose to dwell on it and keep revisiting it over and over until they find a different way of seeing it that they think is better.  But honestly, there's no point.  There is nothing that can be changed about something that has already happened, and nothing you can do once something serious has been set in motion.  Deal with it, accept it for what it is and concentrate on all the good things that you have going for you and the people in your life that make each day worth living for.
My Mommy's supportive gesture - pulled from the internet - no copyright intended.

And then, Step three: Move on!   Once you've accepted everything for what it is, pick up the rest of you and move on with the rest of your life, because there is more to each of us than the bad situations that we find ourselves in.  That one bad thing you're thinking about (yeah, that one) it doesn't define who you are.  What defines each of us is how strong we are when the world seems to want to show how weak we are.  What defines us is how you face each of the situation that you find yourself in, how you deal with them, and how many times you get back up again, no matter how many times you fall down (or are pushed in some cases)  You know what they say - You only have to get back up once more than however many times you fall.  Only you can do that, only you can show the world how strong you are.  

You're always stronger than you think you are - believe in yourself so much that the rest of the world has no choice to believe in you too.  Don't let anyone else define you, choose your own path and work for it.  You can't dwell on the negatives and the 'what ifs'.  You have to look at the positives in your life and seize every moment.  Live your life your way, and do it with pride.

I know I uses this a lot, but it resonates with me... I like wolves and I truly believe that I am stronger than others give me credit for.  I have an amazing support network in my family and close friends, that's the key.  Without them I'd crumble.  They believe in me, they give me reason to believe in myself.

Mommy, you wanted to know how I did it, how I stayed strong, how I dealt with it - There's your answer :)

Louby xx

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