Friday 28 August 2015


I'm Home!!  A weeks holiday up the East Coast at the caravan in Flamborough, a week of sun, sand, sea, adventures and so much laughter!!  I have had an amazing week, but boy has it been exhausting!  If you follow my Instagram then you will see some of my adventures with Sammy Jay, and I will throw a handful of the best ones in the bottom of this post, and then I am sure some others will pop up somewhere, sometime, possibly, I don't know... I'm rambling; I know - It has been a long and tiring week and I am looking forward to crawling into my own bed tonight, and then spending the day with Dean tomorrow :)  Then it is back to reality on Sunday when I go back to work - I need to make a plan for my life!  

Step one - Sort out my books - I hope you've all bought the first two parts of The love that binds us, the third part will be available next weekend!  If you haven't yet then follow the link below and see what it's all about!
Amazon - The love that binds us
I'd love to hear some of your thoughts and opinions - who is your favourite character?  What do you think to the story?  Etc...  
I have several new ideas in the making - We'll have to wait and see which one takes off.  I need to dedicate some proper time to writing.  When Mum and Sammy go back to work next week, I am going to work hard to make sure that I fit everything into my days.  None of this being lazy and wasting time like I have done for the Summer - it is time to make a writer out of myself!  To do that I need to make sure that I am writing at every available opportunity.  I want to make sure that I make the time for my writing, my course that I signed up for as I think that it will help with generating ideas and brushing up on my skills and techniques.  

I also want to do several other things - I am feeling a timetabling session coming on - I need to write this stuff down and be sure that I can fit everything in.  I want to start up jogging again - properly this time.  Every day if possible; though I may have to work up to that as it has been a while again - but I do need to get back into shape!  There is work and family time and Dean time that are going to occupy my time and I also signed up to be Sammy's taxi service in a morning - best way to get me up and out of bed every morning!  I might even roll the jogging into the morning routine and then it is out of the way so that the rest of the day is mine for the taking... I do feel the need for a possible new planner :)  ANy excuse right?!  

Anyway, here's the pictures I promised - some of the best bits :)
Sammy and I went exploring Thornwick with Dean and Jacob...

 The cafe at North Landing proved to be a favourite :)

 Sammy and I spent a lot of time down in Thornwick Bay - or more specifically, in Little Thornwick, and trying to get into the secret cove through the walls... We managed it - this morning!  Haha, nothing like last minute - it only took us about four attempts!  Talk about issues!  Mother Nature was just taking the mickey out of us I think - tide was ridiculous!  But we had fun none the less, exploring and taking pictures - and Sammy totally fell in the sea whilst doing her exploring!  Lmao - I'm not going to lie - I laughed, hard!!

 We visited the Lighthouse at Flamborough Head at night so that we could watch the lights :)

All in all - an amazing holiday!!

And now - it is bed time!  

Goodnight readers,
Louby xx

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