Thursday 20 August 2015

Book progress!

Afternoon all, I bring good news on this reasonably sunny day!  The second part of my book is now available on Amazon... So follow the links below to head over there and get them now!!!

The love that binds us - Part 1

The love the binds us - Part 2

Mega excited doesn't even cover it - the first part already has two amazing reviews so thank you to the readers who left those!  I hope that anyone who has read it has enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it and you will all hopefully be interested to know that I have a new idea in the works for a new short story...  

I owe a big thank you to all those people who have supported me through out this new venture, ranging from the obvious (My mom and my sister) to those of you that have purchased and read my story so far, and to all of you hat have been excited for me when I have spread the news.  Please feel free to pass on my news to others if you think they'd enjoy my book, share my blog or my facebook posts so that others can read my book too!

Till next time,
Louby xx

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