Monday 3 August 2015

July in a nutshell!

They say that happiness comes when you least expect it, from places you never imagined and through doors that you didn't realise you'd left open...  It's true that happiness breeds more happiness, if you can be happy with what you have, happiness in other areas of your life just seems to find you and everything falls into place!  I know this now, I had just about got my head on straight and sorted myself out so that I was happy with the cards I had been dealt.  As per usual I looked for the silver lining in my situation and found it in the form of my writing.  Having gotten my head around all of that, I was happy!  And then, to make everything that little bit better, a door opened to something else, and I honestly don't think that I have stopped smiling since!  Life is pretty good!  

So, July has been full of surprises, though to be honest, I think that most of it has been covered as I have posted about my adventures several times already during the month.  These last few days crammed with Co-op based stuff though!  On Thursday we went out for the leaving do I mentioned in the last one, and true to my word, I took some photos!  I went to meet Adam, Rachel and Ben at the pub for a few drinks before the meal, and left my car at home so that I could join in!!  Dean joined us before taking us to the Elmwood - Ben pimped it up in the back with Rachel and me, and Dean scared us with his driving!!  We had drinks in the sunshine and I got my first photo of Dean and me - he is good at avoiding my camera!!  And after the meal we all sat out in the sunshine, drinking and talking and watching Chelsea slowly get more and more wasted, bless her!!

On Saturday, Callum and I ran the Co-op stall at Aston Carnival!  We had a blast and loved it, despite the torrential down pour that attempted to dampen the mood!  Having spent most of Friday in and out of work, shopping for a gazebo with Dean, moving stock around and backing and bagging cookies, I rolled into work at half seven on Saturday morning and loaded up my poor little car with all the stock and stuff for the carnival!  Callum and I headed down to Lodge park for eight and we put up the gazebo.  Now I say 'we' - what actually happened was he stood and read the instructions to me while I crawled around on the floor and put it all together haha - Team work at its best and all that :)  We did it though - got the stall up and ready in no time, and even had time for breakfast before the events kicked off!
And of course we had fun while we were working!  Callum wrote on the balloons!  We had the attack of the helium and some funny voices - Ben came down to see us and had to bring more stock because we sold out of some of the stuff we'd taken with us...  By the time Dean got to us the day was nearly over...  And to say we'd been there hours - Dean had been there five minutes before he decided that he'd had enough!  Lightweight!  But after a while longer, we packed up and headed back to the shop, worked out all the money and put everything away - and nine and a half hours after clocking in, I clocked out and went home!!  What a day!  To celebrate - Dean took me out for food and the pictures :)  Nandos!!  

I am now putting in more hours that I know what to do with at work - I can't wait to see the pay check!!  I now have three days off and intend to spend them having some adventures!  Seaside here I come!!

The book is almost ready to go online... I am well excited about that too - as you may or may not have noticed... Not long now!!  

Till next time,
Louby xx

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