Thursday 16 July 2015

Why do we fall?

So, the last few days have seen me get some pretty good advice, though I hate to admit it, it has actually got to me and made me think about a few things.  It may not have been his advice, he totally stole it from Coach Carter, but he delivered it well.  With everything that I have going on in my life right now, it hit home well...

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us.

It took me a while to get my head around this, because my blonde side turned around and went 'don't be daft, of course it's our fears that scare us,' but after some thought, it's right...  All the things that I am afraid of, it's the ones that I am good at and am afraid of failing that scare me most.  

The video that I was told to watch hits home with a lot of quotes, and I have included some more through out this post, but in all honesty, I suggest that you watch it too.  
All quotes in italic are pulled from the video;
no copyright intended.

You, me or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life.
But it ain't about how hard you hit.
It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.
How much you can take and keep moving forward.

And it's right.  Nothing and nobody can even begin to come close to the things that life throws our way.  I've sprouted my quotes before about taking life in your stride.  My two favourites being - 

(Both images pulled from Google - no copyright intended)

So yeah, I know the theory, we all do.  As the video puts it so bluntly 'If you want something, go get it. Period.'  But is it that easy?  First of all you have to know what it is that you want.

You have to dig deep down, dig deep down and ask yourselves,
Who do you want to be?
Figuring out for yourselves what makes you happy,
No matter how crazy it may sound to other people.
Make a choice.
Just decide,
What it's gonna be, who you're gonna be, how you're going to do it.
Just decide.

Once you know what it is you want, all you have to do is fight for it, and keep fighting for it until you achieve it.  When life knocks you back, you damn well get up and fight some more.  Nothing should stand in the way of your dreams, nothing should ever stand between you and what will make you happy.

Get up, and don't ever give up.

So to answer the question; why do we fall?  We fall to prove that we can get back up again of course!!  And you only have to get up once more than the amount of times you fall...  That's doable, as long as you never give up!  Don;t be afraid of anything, specially not your dreams!

Because limits, like fears, are often just an illusion.

Remember that!
Louby xx

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