Tuesday 14 July 2015


Well they always say that you never know how you'll handle something until you are put in the situation.  Generally, I think that phrase is meant about situations a little more serious that the one that I am referring to, but none the less...  We all know about my recent phone debacle!  Well, I astounded myself with my reaction to the whole situation.  

Sammy and many others were impressed with my initial reaction when I first attacked my phone screen in Meadowhall car park... I was very calm and adopted the 'there is nothing I can do about it now' attitude, and if I'm honest, it worked out well for me.  I was right, there was nothing I could do to change it; I was stupid and should have been more careful, but once it had happened, there was nothing I could do.  So, to have panicked and stressed would have been a waste of my time and energy, and I like to think that I have better things to do with myself.  

Yesterday, I proved to impressed myself and others once again when Callum and I attempted to fix sad broken phone screen.  Having bought the screen from eBay and watched the videos on YouTube, we were confident enough in our abilities to attempt to fix it.  That was our first mistake... 'confident enough' was not enough actual ability to have even begun to mess about with the phone.  Our second mistake was then continuing to 'try' to fix it, after we had established that we weren't totally sure we were doing it right... Then we applied 'considerable force' (just like the video told us to) and managed to break the little plastic tool thingy we were using to pry the screen off.  Each of these things should have been enough to stop us, but we kept on going - until Daddy told us that the reason it was now a blank screen when we turned it on was because we had detached the digitiser from the screen.  Well bugger!!  And that was the end of that - Annihilated!!  
And how did I handle it?  Well, I think I held it together, even Callum commented on how calm I seemed to be.  

And today, I went to O2, spoke to the guy there, and after paying off the contract on the obliterated phone, I walked away with a shiny new one... I think I have proved Charles Swindoll's theory about how life is only 10% what happens to you, and 90% how you react.  I could not change what we did... between us we killed it, there was no recovery, but I couldn't do anything about it by then, so instead, I dealt with it and moved on.  And I feel good for it, stress and worry don't d anyone any good, they just waste precious time and energy, and life it too short for all that.

So next time, bear in mind that life is what you make it, not what happens to you.  Live the life you are given and don't let the life you have rule you.  

Stay happy,
Louby xx

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