Monday 2 March 2015

Live in the moment!!

A new month... A new adventure?!  These last few days have shown me that you really do have to grab life by the horns so to speak, and live if day by day for what it is.  Now don't get me wrong, I still have my diary, my calendar, post it notes, to do lists and notes everywhere; but I am trying to live more in the moment and stop worrying about things that are out of my control.
My biggest achievement for this so far, as ridiculous as it sounds, is not freaking out over the fact that I totally killed my phone!  Yes, after years of being damn lucky with phones (to say how many times I drop them on the floor) - the luck finally ran out on Saturday morning when I dropped it face down in Meadowhall car park - needless to say, the screen is shattered!! 
But, like I keep telling myself - Live and let live - there is nothing I can do to change what happened, and nothing I can do to fix it right now.  It still works, it's just a mess!

And to support my new way of thinking - I even got a little crafty and did a journal page inspired by my new found outlook on life.  I've spent quite a lot of time playing nicely with my new hobby, and am loving every minute of it.  I have so many ideas that it's hard to decide which ones to do first, but I am slowly working my way through ideas, and sometimes randomly think of one I want to do - like this one - and hey presto!  

Anyway, onto other things - my 'something new' for February...  I totally went to Blackpool!!

Jayne and I decided to use the last day of Half Term to go on an adventure.  We packed up the car and went to Blackpool - why not?!  I've always wanted to go to Blackpool, but it has always seemed like somewhere totally out of the way, when in actual fact, it's no further away than Brid - just in a different direction!
We did the proper tourist thing!  We went to see the dungeons - which proved us both to be total wusses.  We climbed Blackpool Tower - and I even stood on the glass floor (only long enough for the photo to be taken mind you!)

We played on the beach (just to say we had) - acted like total kids, did some cartwheels and wrote our names in the sand...

Then we went to Madame Tussaurd's - which was really amazing.  I honestly didn't know if I would like it, I thought it would creep me out, but we had a blast!

I got to cuddle Jamie Oliver...

And kiss Dec!

We went for a drink in the Rover's :)

Then got our groove on with some Music Legends!!  Jayne pulled the moves with the likes of Freddie Mercury... And yes, yes I am grabbing my crotch Michael Jackson style - it just had to be done...

I even got to meet Sooty and Sweep!!
 Jayne found her chair :p  She will hit me for that, but doesn't she look so comfortable!?

And to finish it off I cosied up to Russel Brand - I never realised he was so tall!!

We had an amazing day, filled with laughter and memories in the making...  Jayne spent far too much money and we walked away with plenty of trinkets and photos!  A good day all round, and one to strike off the bucket list!

So, let's see what March has in store... Till next time, Louby xx

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