Wednesday 11 March 2015

The tortoises took over...

Well I had an interesting weekend that is slowly creeping through the rest of the week :)  While Jayne was busy moving house, the teeny tiny tortoises needed a sitter... Well, how could I say no?!  So, on Friday night I gained two little additions to my bedroom.

How cute are they?!

<<< Meet Raphael
and Donatello >>>

Needless to say I have thoroughly enjoyed looking after them... they had a bath on Saturday morning while I was pottering about and cleaning up...
Then Donatello tried to make an escape attempt when I set them down on the bathroom floor!!  I never realised they could move so fast - No joke!  He was off at rocket speed!
Then on Monday night they had strawberries in the bath
and went for a little paddle :)  

I have totally overfed them, they would never have starved to death in my care that's for sure.  They have met plenty of new people and been cuddled and 'ahhed' over!  I wouldn't hesitate to look after them again :)

And in other, completely unrelated, news... LOOK!!!
I know I am repeating myself a lot - but anyone who knows me understands how important this photograph is to me!!!  Jerry has leaves!  He is doing so well, he has been hiding out under the car port since I moved back home, so he is getting all the warmth from the sun on the roof, and all the daylight, but he is lovely and sheltered from the rain and the wind.  And clearly, he is thriving!!!

Anyways, a totally random and unnecessary blog post, but hey ho, those words pretty much sum up most of what comes out of my mouth...  lol.  Till next time, Louby x

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