Friday 18 April 2014

A smile a day...

Ok, so limiting myself to only one smile a day would be a little bit silly as I spend most of my time smiling!  But, I took the Facebook craze of #100happydays idea and made my own - if you follow me on Instagram then you will have seen my #99happymoments - the man reason I changed it was because when I worked out the end date for the whole thing, it finished the day after my birthday.  Personally, I felt that that was a missed opportunity - so I rejigged it so that the 99 days will be up on the 8th of July!  The other reason is that I like to be able to find my photo's on a hash tag, very much like #vernonsadventure - when you follow those hash tags, you find my photo's - it's kinda like having a folder.  A little bit of organisation...

Anyway, my smiles over the last few days have been pretty spectacular... I spent Wednesday and Thursday with my favourite little person in the world - Sethy Monster!  And of course with Momma Kate and Chris.  We spent a beautiful sunny day in Skegness on Wednesday, spent lots of pennies in the arcades playing for tickets, and even went for a paddle in the sea after a serious hike down the beach :)
The next morning - despite it being an extremely early wake up call - I got to spend some time with Squeak while his mommy got dressed.  This has to be my favourite photo of me and him that I have ever taken :)

We spent Thursday in Woodall Spa - Chris found an amazing bakery where we got dinner then headed to Jubilee Park where we had a picnic and went to play in the park :)  and of course - no trip out would be complete without Vernon - he got involved in all the fun... both at Skeg and at the park... he had fun playing for tickets in the arcades and playing on the climbing frame in the park.

Today has been a totally different day - it started out with a well planed jumping lesson... which for a while was going really well - unfortunately, the best jump I pulled off was also the jump that I spectacularly dismounted Rosie unexpectedly... in other words I fell off... And boy did it hurt...  I am still suffering the consequences and expect to be for a few days yet...
I do have a little proof that I managed it though...  Despite the fall and the strange sensations in my lower back, I loved the lesson and fully intend on trying again once I can walk properly...

The rest of today, Vicky and I have spent being reasonably spontaneous - started out with a drive to nowhere... ended up at Bolsover Castle - somewhere we pass signs for all the time, somewhere I've hear of loads, but never been.  Today we changed that.  Some beautiful sunshine and Vernon's company, we explored the grounds and remains of the stunning castle.  (Check out Vernon's other travels on Instagram with #vernonsadventure)  

 I have loved today - and proved that we seriously can do spontaneity when we want to...

Me and Vernon even sneaked up onto a posh seat to have a photo taken :)

Let's see what tomorrow brings...

Louby x

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