Monday 14 April 2014

Easter Break!!

Well it's Easter Break :)

Two weeks off work for a well deserved break after a six week half term with a lot of mayhem!  What to do, what to do?  I plan on using this break wisely... I have all sorts  to get done and loads of places I wanna go with friends.  I don't want to waste this holiday like I did half term.  And boy have I started off well!  

This was today's 'To Do list'

  • Go food shopping with mum
  • Bath the dogs
  • Clean the bathroom
  • Clean and hoover my bedroom
This is what I have actually done today...
  • Been food shopping with mum and unpacked it and put it all away
  • Cleaned the bathroom
  • Cleaned my bedroom (tidied, cleaned, hoovered and spring cleaned the cupboard and wardrobe)
  • Walked the dogs (didn't have to bath them because Sammy did it this morning)
  • Put a load of stuff into storage in the loft
  • Been to Crystal Peaks to buy some storage boxes and to take bag full of shoes and clothes to the Cash for Clothes place (Totally made £3.50)
  • Made tea for me, mum and dad,
  • Cleaned up after tea
  • Fetched Rosie and Mollie in
  • Taken all photo's off my phone and my camera and uploaded Vicky;s Birthday Party onto facebook!
I think that is what i can call a successful day - don't you?  I even bought myself a little present at Crystal Peaks because I could!  I have seen him so many times and wanted him - today I decided that I would buy him - he is now sat in my car :)

I have a to do list for tomorrow as well, I want to get up and off to the yard early and turf the horses out and sort the stables out.  Then I have the back yard to clean up ready for summer - it wants cleaning, the furniture wants cleaning and putting out, and mum has bought a gazebo to go on the decking so that we can get the cane sofa out there :) If anyone wants me on a nice day; that's where you're going to find me - most likely with a book in my hand!!  Then if i get all that done, I want to get my car hoovered out before I got to fetch the horses back in again :) Doable?  Of course!  

As for starting the holiday off with a bang - Saturday was Vicky's 30th Birthday and she had a fancy dress party :)  It was an amazing night, with amazing people.  There as a lot of work put into making it special for her, but I think it was pulled off!

 The Corpse Bride and The Joker all ready to party!

Me and my Mommy - Lady Marian from Robin Hood!

I said Oops up side your head!

Me and my lickle sister looking awesome in her Catwoman outfit!

And although they couldn't be there in person - they were there in spirit - Mr and Mrs Benson - the magic behind this amazing cake designed just for the Birthday Girl herself!

Well That's enough from me for now - I'm off to watch Game of Thrones with a nice mug of hot chocolate and mini marshmallows.  I'm sure you'll hear plenty more from me this holiday - I'll put an update form Vernon on soon - he has been out and about quite a lot recently :) (follow him at #vernonsadventure on Instagram)

Till then,
Louby xx  

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