Thursday 10 April 2014

Planned Spontaneity

Spontaneity - I am seriously struggling with this whole being spontaneous thing - surely there has to be a reasonable degree of decision and planning or else nothing would ever happen...  I get the feeling this may be the best it ever gets, but I am trying!

Today I have plans to go out and be 'spontaneous' - the plans to go out and 'do something' with Terry have been made for a couple of days.  However, the actual act of what we are going to was decided by me only a few hours ago...  So that's reasonably spontaneous right?

Anyway, here goes - the best days are the unplanned, random and the spontaneous... today I decided that we are going to go and play by the sea!  Madness I hear you say?  It very well may be, but to quote Alice when talking to the Mad Hatter, "I'll tell you a secret.  Al the best people are."

My only aim is to have fun, smile a lot and take some photographs - easy! Vernon is even sneaking along for the adventure (check him out at #vernonsadventure on Instagram) so I'm sure he will find some sort of trouble to get up to :)

Over and out,
Louby x

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