Sunday 24 May 2015

Newest Makes :)

This is only a quick one - I am intending on doing a big look back over the month at then end of the week, and I have some new scribbles that I need to sort out typing up and getting onto here... Busy life these days and all that... But I will get around to it over the holidays.

Anyway, my main purpose for today is to show off my new make for my room...  I have been having lots of fun with my new bits and pieces that I got off a lady on Facebook, and bought some little box frames when I went to Ikea with Mom and Dad earlier this month.  Hehe, to practice and get some ideas going, I made a few for me...

I had three different coloured frames to play with, the black one, the white one and a wooden one.  The wooden one leant itself well to the little teddy and the whole cutsie love scene.  The white one was done as a base idea to reach out to the 'new baby' craft world - the idea being that it can be recreated in different colours, with new baby names and bunting and other toys and bits and bobs in the frame.  
The black one however, was perfect for my bedroom, and of course now fits beautifully with its Gorjuss Girl theme and its little pile of books... I loved making these and hope that they take off on my new Facebook page, which I will list at the bottom of here for you all to go and take a look at... These have definitely taken the top spot for my favourite things to create, but I am still loving my inked name frames, and today created one of them for me too :)  Sleeping Beauty themed of course!!

Till next time,
Louby xx

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