Sunday 1 February 2015

Trying new things...

Well January disappeared in a flurry of snow didn't it!  I'm not really sure where the time went - though after sitting down and really thinking about it, I have actually done loads this 

I finally got around to sorting the pile of bits of paper out on my desk where I had scribbled down some ideas and parts of chapters for my book at work, and got them all typed up and in order.  There is now going on seventy pages of my second book.  I failed in my second attempt at the Insanity workout program, and have decided that February is the time to take up jogging!  There is definitely something needs doing because I swear I am just getting more and more lazy. And to top off that - I have an unhealthy addiction to Cadbury's Creme Eggs at the moment, so I really need to do something before all my clothes get too tight!

Anyway, the actual point to this blog post.  One of my New Year's Resolutions this year was to try new things.  If I attempt for one a month that is at least twelve new experiences this year.  That's the plan anyway.  So far I have done okay.  My main 'something new' for this month was trying a new skill.  For a while now I have wanted to have a go at getting involved in my Mommy's craft blog, and once even got as far as sketching out a design.  But when it came around to actually crafting, I never really found the motivation to get on with it.  So, a new idea from Mom, why not try Art Journaling?!  
Art journaling is a reasonably new skill in the art world that combines mixed media, wording and imagery to express feelings and artistic flare.  

After some thought, and plenty of research, I realised that this kind of art/craft is something that is much more up my street than the paper crafting side that mum is so good at.  So, I delved into her stash and borrowed some stamps, and had a go!

This was the result!  

Now I'm not gonna lie; it didn't turn out how I imagined it, and there are a lot of things that I wished I could change after I had done them.  But, for a first attempt, and without much guidance, I don't think it was bad!!

I did however redo it this morning ready to actually enter it into Mummy's craft challenge, as there was no way that this was good enough, not by anybody's standards, especially not my own!

So, keep an eye out for my entry to the challenge coming up in the next few days!!

Other than my leap into the journaling world, there are only really a couple of other things that I have done this month, one of which, after many months of persuasion from Tara, was going to the Handmade Burger Company for tea last night.  Which after all this time avoiding due to my disinterest in burgers, was actually really nice!  I would definitely recommend it and will be going back :)  Especially as they are redoing their Gluten free menu shortly, making it a great place for us to go for a meal out!!

I'm off for now, keep your eyes open for my challenge entry, and I hope for some comments on your opinions!!

Louby x

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