Tuesday 1 July 2014

Welcome to July!!

Another month gone... this month is my favourite :) I wonder why?! July has some good times planned already, never mind anything else that happens along the way!  

As for June, it has seen a lot of happy days and lots of fun times with friends!  
My cinema card has definitely had its use this month - six trips, with various different people.  I think the most epic trip had to be The Fault in our Stars!  I have never seen so may tears in one group of people - didn't realise some of us had it in us! An amazing film - one I would most definitely recommend!  Since seeing it for the second time, I went out and bought the book, and am now half way through that too, which has been making me cry nearly as much as the film did - I'm such a puff sometimes!!
June has seen some 'first times' too!  At the beginning of the month we introduced Sammy to Dempseys!  Now granted, I'm really not sure the actual experience lived up to the reputation we had made it out to have - but it was still an awesome night!  It saw some dancing, plenty of shots and some worrying dance moves from strangers... And despite it being quiet - it's the company that counts! :)

Mid month, Mommy, Sammy, Vicky, her mum and I took a long planned trip to Nottingham to the theatre to see the amazing stage show of Rock of Ages!  It was a brilliant day, the show was stunning and we had a great time!  Sammy even stole a flyer for me hehe!  Of course, a trip like this wouldn't have been complete without another little person; Vernon came with us too!  Him and Felix enjoyed the show, and had some fun while they were out!
One of the funniest moments of the day - coming across the best named cafe in the world!!  Spanky Van Dykes!  Me and Vernon couldn't resist a photo!

June also saw the beginning of my Volunteering with Safe@Last!  The first event I went to was Anston's 'Picnic on the Rec' where I helped out on the stall raising awareness of the charity and their work and selling merchandise and the noisiest balloons ever!!  Then this weekend just gone I attended Sheffield Pride and worked on Safe@Last's stall for the first few hours.  Both events have been good fun, and I work alongside a great team of people.  Whilst at Pride I also got to meet the charity mascot; Sam! 
 Safe@Last are a charity that work across South Yorkshire with children and young people who are at risk from running away.  Find out more at their website   http://www.safeatlast.org.uk/ 

After finishing with Safe@Last I stayed to enjoy Pride with Tara, Emily and Jamie (and of course Vernon, who wore his ribbon to show his support!)  We had a laugh in the little sunshine that stayed around, and didn't let the rain put us off... Bouncy castles, rodeo bulls and some very strange live act kept us entertained for hours!!

We ended the day with Climax (Pride's after party) where there was much dancing, and plenty more alcohol... and I made the discovery that Tara is not the only person who likes to throw drinks all over me!  

As for keeping to my New Year's Resolution - I am happy!  
I don't care what people think of me, there are plenty out there who have had plenty of things to say recently, but you know what, it doesn't change anything!  I like my life, and I like who I am - if you don't, then that's your loss not mine!
I stuck to no sweets all month - and will now take on a month of no crisps!  Vernon and I have lots of plans for the summer, and I am back on track reading plenty!  I will average it out at a book a week by the end of the year!! :)  
On a slightly less positive point; I didn't see the Ab Challenge through till the end - I made it to Day 27, and I know, I was so close, why give up... but I was seeing no improvements from it, and the weekend was pretty busy and I struggled to fit it in for a couple of days, so I left it.  Now we have some better weather I plan to get out a bit more on my bike and on foot with the doggies!  See if I can get a little fitter that way!

Anyway, I have plenty of plans to keep me occupied in July - I'll I'll keep you up to date :)

Till then, Louby x

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