Wednesday 30 July 2014

So Brighton Happened!!

I bring to you, the story of Brighton :)

Three days of sun, sea, pebble beaches and fun!  I think it is safe to say that I enjoyed every minute of it - including the freak storm on the middle.  Only us!  Vicky, me, Vernon and Felix enjoyed the sights, the sounds and the attractions of Brighton's sea front and Pier, and of course caused a little havoc while we were there :)
The drive down there was pretty uneventful and reasonably good for time.  It took us just over five hours, which to say how many roadworks there were, and the fact that we spent a decent amount of time on the M25, I don't think we did too bad - we even managed to stop for donuts :)  
As we got closer, I started to get fidgety, and sat in as many different positions in the seat as physically possible... This being just on one of them -I had the sun roof open and was sunbathing in the extremely warm sun of the south!!  By this point we'd given up with the air con and had all the windows open so that we could fully appreciate the weather!

By the time we got there and parked, I was raring to go :)  We went for a walk down the sea front, had a look where things were, took some photo's, found a drink and then went for a wander through town back to the hotel to check in!  After that there was only one place to go - the beach of course - we ditched everything in the room and headed out to play in the sea!  And play in the sea we did - I swam!  Now to most people that seems the obvious thing to do in the sea - but anyone who knows me well enough knows about my irrational fear of the sea, and I don't normally go in more than knee deep... I'm not going to lie, it took me a while - I got waist deep and stayed there a while, but eventually ended up all the way in playing catch with Vicky - I swear she kept throwing the ball deeper on purpose!!
But Hey - When in Brighton and all that!!

That was where the havoc started :p  The plan - go and find one of the bars on the sea front, get something to eat, have a drink and then go for a walk to the pier and have a look around... Funnily enough it didn't quite happen like that!
It started out okay - we found a bar with live music, which was pretty good to be honest, provided some interesting entertainment for a while - the food was amazing - we cracked out the cocktails and enjoyed being able to sit out in the sunshine and relax.  I  believe it was about here that things deviated from the plan...
Because this happened...
And you know as well as I do that it wasn't just coke in those bottles lol!  Yes, we got drunk on the beach...  
Vernon played on the beach, and I ended up back in the water - in my dress!  Yes I got wet - there were some seriously unflattering photos of me in the water thanks to Vicky's impeccable timing when the waves came for me... My dress got hitched higher out of the water... but I quite like this one :)  Proof that I have been in the water in Brighton!!

From here, things got even worse - after too much Vodka, and a lot of excitement, we headed for the Pier!  Well it's a girl's wildest dream!  Lights, music, colours, those silly boards with holes to put your face in :) beautiful views and a spectacular sunset!

 Brighton Pier - 
One place that has been on my Bucket List for a very long time!!  

Even Vernon had fun, he found a tub that he could sit in!

We played on the Pier for a while, before coming across a bar that it would have been rude not to have had a drink in...  Vicky found Victoria's Bar - had to be done...

From there we decided to head back to the hotel - along the sea front - and along the way we caused the havoc that we are best known for - I bet we provided a fair few people with a good laugh along the way!!  We found cows, rides, boats, statues, random stone sculptures, sheds, club signs - you name it we found it to have a picture taken with - had to draw the line when Vicky tried to get into a boat far too big for her though!!

Back on the main road to the hotel we decided that we were having far too much fun to go to bed - so we found a pub across the road - Molly Malone's!  And the fun continued - too much Vodka - and to add to the fun, the barman's best Tequila!!

We even got the bar man to have his picture taken with Vernon!

And the last one - totally my fault!  I wasn't ready to go back, so we ended up in the bar across the road from the hotel and we hit the cocktails and did some dancing - there would have been a few people proud of the dance moves we pulled - especially with how much alcohol was in our systems!!

The next day brought one serious hang over for Vicky - she can't hack the alcohol these days (gettin' old :p)
We took a hike down to the Marina to see the Sea Life Centre - only to find out that I am the blondest person in the world - and the Sea Life Centre wasn't at the Marina, but on Marine Parade - the Main road by the Pier - so we had taken the two mile walk in the sun for nothing!  (We totally got a taxi back!) Then we went to the Sea Life Centre :)  Vicky liked the Rays - or maybe she just liked standing still - I'm no sure :p

 Vernon and I found Davy Jones' Locker and I totally saw sharks!  And just to back up my so called ridiculous fear - the sign said that they appear in every ocean in the world!!
My favourite part - there was a very playful Octopus :)  She was playing with a watering can and didn't have a care in the world - strange I know - but I think they're really beautiful creatures!  Always the best part of an aquarium! 

 The afternoon saw another play on the beach - and an attempt at the sea - but the weather had other ideas!  It clouded over fast and got a little too cool to be playing in the sea... so after some sun bathing we headed back to the hotel so that Vicky could have a nap - and totally slept through the freak storm!  Torrential rain, thunder and lightening!  By the time we were up ad about it had calmed down and we went out in search of food and something to do.  This time we ended up on the Pier and had some sober fun - including a 'MUST' when at the seaside!  We went on the carousel :)  Vicky even found a horse called Victoria!  Vernon and Felix got out to play and we enjoyed the view and sea breeze whilst listening to the old carousel music as we went round and round :)

 Then we went to find somewhere to sit, found two deck chairs waiting for us, and sat and watched the sunset with out feet up :)  Bliss!!
 And ended the night on the beach in the lights of the sea front carousel with slush puppies!  What a way to spend an evening :)

 The last day saw more fun and good times before we came home...
We went for a determined walk around town to find this little box of fun - One very nice chocolate shop - and would you believe we both left with nothing?!   Was a little bit warm for chocolate I think!!

After lunch with God Ann on the sea front we met up with Eady to go and play on the Pier!  We bought our bands and away we went - Roller coasters, dodgems, twister, waltzer and a log flume that left us drenched!!  No Joke - I'd have been dryer having a shower!! 
 When enough was enough, we headed for the beach before we had to head home.  After some sunbathing, 

 Some paddling, 

 And a wave that left Vicky a little on the soggy side...
 Vicky and I did the only thing left to do - we went swimming - fully clothed... Why not!?  
We really shouldn't be trusted together!!

Time to dry off in the sun!!
Wet denim shorts - BAD PLAN!!!

 Then to set off on the way home - we came across Devil's Dyke - an opportunity far too good to be missed!!  So a quick round of photos were necessary before we headed on home!  

Over all it was three amazing days in the sun - I wouldn't have changed it for anything :)  I will be going back - Brighton is not to be a one time thing!  Thank you again Vicky for taking me!  I hope you enjoyed it just as much as I did!

Now to my readers - if you have made it this far I feel like you deserve a medal, or a certificate or something for sticking with the post all the way through - I realise that it is long and tedious!

Time to go now I think :)
Louby xx

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