Monday 21 July 2014

The Summer Holidays begin here...

So, it is officially the first day of the Summer Holidays and everyone is in positive and optimistic moods.  I made a few decisions this morning, mainly that I wanted this summer to be awesome!!  It sticks with my New Year's Resolution to live my life for me and do the things that make me happy, and it will include Vernon and some epic adventures.  The one thing that I don't want is for this good summery mood to start and slip away as the weeks fly by and roll into September.

Where to begin... well where do most things exist these days - on social media sites of course - so I started with what I could do on Instagram to document my summer, apart from the obvious Vernon updates and general pictureyness... (Yes that is now a word)  I have already hit it off with a decent amount of reading; I'm now flying through books so #mycrazyreadinghabits is always being updated.  #vernonsadventure is as busy as ever :) I never pass on an opportunity to take him out to play and get up to a little mischief - he even came on the bus with me last week!!
Anyway - back to the point - my Summer plans - firstly I have already started with to do lists... I figured that, where as I want to relax and enjoy my summer, I don't just want it to slip past without anything to show for it.  So I have made sure that I have planned all the necessary tasks for the week, and then I have started adding in others.  Each day I am going to make sure that I have a purposeful task to complete, something that I wanted/needed to do that I can say, 'Yeah I did that on that day'.  For example, though I didn't actually help today because he could do most of it without help, today my task was to help Daddy fix my car.  
I also wanted to have something each day (not necessarily planned) that is for me.  Something that doesn't really benefit anyone else, just a few minutes in each day to have something to make me smile, or have a few minutes in Wonderland.  For example, today I had breakfast in the garden with Mum and Sammy.  We had a very healthy fruit salad and yogurt out in the sunshine.  It was a great way to start a beautiful day!  These things are what I am going to Instagram - I put this morning that I wouldn't post everyday, but in all reality - I probably will lol.

My other plans for the Summer include the sun, my friends, Vernon, and a lot of spontaneity and fun!!  Starting with Brighton!!  I cannot wait until Thursday :)  Me, Vicksy, Vernon and Felix are off to explore one of the places on my Bucket List!!  I've always wanted to go to Brighton, and now I am going! 
This is my motto for the Summer - and I plan to collect many, many memories :)

And as for September - well, let's just say I won't be sad to see the first of September!  I can't wait to jump into my new job and see what the new challenge brings to my life!

Till next time,
Louby x

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