Friday 27 June 2014

OCD has taken over!!

Ok, so... last week I read a blog post from Facebook about ways to beat that 'can't be bothered' attitude!  Now I had a serious case of that taking over - I was getting to the point where I was struggling for reasons to get out of bed in the morning.  My solutions; I just didn't!  It was seriously starting to drive me nuts!  So, after some helpful tips and tricks from this blog, I started trying some, and you know what - they really do work!  

It started with deciding on a time to get up, and sticking to it!  Now where as I haven't exactly been setting alarms and jumping out of bed, I have promised myself to be up by certain times, and have stuck to them!  

Then came my favourite part - making to-do lists!!  Wait, I hear you cry, I already make lists, too many lists than are necessary... But these lists had a difference.
My lists in the past have been a generalised list of things I needed to remember to do, for example; ring the doctors, fill in an application, hoover up... You get the drift, all reasonably specific tasks that stretched over a weekly period.
These to-do lists were better!  First of all there was one for each day :)  So, I cracked out my weekly planner that I had lying around for just this kind of occasion...
It suggested that rather than just picking the important tasks, you put down everything!  That way you felt a sense of accomplishment each time you got to scratch something off the list!  So, I got to work... I started with the big stuff, like which days I cleaned, hoovered, visited family etc... Then I added plans with friends and the sister... Then I added the places I needed to go (Meadowhall, Rotherham etc)... Next came the phone calls I had to make (Job stuff etc), and so on and so forth... I even put my showers on it just so that I could cross it off when I had done that!  It's like OCD Heaven!!  No Jokes!!  I considered different colours for different priorities, but I figured I was asking for trouble, and a possible melt down when I did it wrong...  So, instead I stuck with one colour, and added the lesser important stuff in the 'Don;t Forget' box at the bottom - the stuff that I wanted to get done, but it didn't matter which day.  

And so I started!  The blog had suggested that after you got up in a morning and had breakfast etc, the first thing you should do is something for yourself, whether it be read, sit in the garden, fix your top, call a friend, etc, just make sure it was beneficial to you on a personal level rather than just to tick a box, this gave you a mental boost for the day.
To my surprise... it totally works!  I felt much better just at the end of the first day - being able to look at that list at the end of the day and see all those things scribbled out.  It really did give me a decent feeling of actually having done something with my day!  
So...of course I continued... and I swear the lists have got more detailed as I have gone on... but I have managed to get done what I planned for each day!  It feels great - and so far no melt down :)

Well worth a try, even if you're not OCDish like I am.  It has definitely made me feel better this last couple of weeks!! 

Talk soon, Louby x

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