Monday 13 January 2014

New Year’s Resolutions – The talk of the school

Well, as seen as my original intentions for this blog got lost somewhere back in September, I have decided to dust it down and revive it as part of my New Year’s Resolution. 

English lessons at school have been taken over by the idea of New Year’s Resolutions and blogging as part of the creative writing module for Key Stage 3 students.  At the beginning of last week they were posed with the question ‘Are New Year’s Resolutions a waste of time?’  There have been some fabulous answers, but my favourite had to have been, ‘yeah’ – no explanation, no justification… just ‘yeah’.  Personally, I love the idea.  In the past, I’m not gonna lie, I have enjoyed setting myself ridiculously unachievable goals that I have taken great pleasure in failing at.  But this year I decided on something a little different.
I set myself a relatively straightforward resolution this year; simply to live the year for me!  Keep smiling, and live each day as it comes.  My intentions are to fill this year with happy memories that are all centred on keeping myself happy! 

Live life for me; Do what makes me happy!

It started with spending more time with friends and family, taking lots of photographs and to remember to keep smiling.  This I have managed so far, so I have beaten the statistics :)  According to lesson this morning, statistics show that most people lose ‘umph’ after only nine days… and on day thirteen I am happily enjoying my resolution!  I took a spontaneous trip to the seaside with an awesome friend, and spent the turn of the New Year sat on the beach!  Since then I have stuck to slightly less crazy movements, like going to the pub and out for tea; the important thing is that they were reasonably unplanned…  I have taken to spontaneity like a duck to water, and am quite enjoying living in the moment. Spontaneity!  I’m telling ya; it’s liberating!

(I got this off the internet - no copyright intended)

From the simple idea of living in the moment, I developed this idea into taking Vernon travelling.  This is Vernon!!  I bought Vernon from Matlock Bath Craft and Gift Market near the end of summer last year.  He is a one of a kind, handmade bear from a little family run business called Fluffy Bearz.  (You can find more information on Furry Bearz at - They're well worth a look!)  When I saw their stand at the market I fell in love with their bearz, and simply could not resist Vernon.  After picking him up and feeling his weight in my hands; yes that sounds ridiculous, but he is weighted in his feet and his bottom so that he stands and sits in place.  His little head, as well as his arms and legs all move so that he can sit or stand in whichever position is best for him.  The woman on the stall, Kaz, made a joke about him coming home with me, but there was no question about it.  From the moment i picked him up he was most definitely coming home with me!!

I loved him from the get go, and this year, decided that I would show him the world.  Well, the country anyway.  So far he spent the turn of the New Year with me in Bridlington, and he has been to the Farm and made friends with Rosie; he even got a little ride once she was all saddled up.
If you’re interested in Vernon’s year then you can follow him on Instagram at #Vernon, though I am very aware that there are a lot of photos with this hash tag – and have looked into a new hash tag name which I have posted on existing pictures,  (#Vernonsadventure) and will use on all the new ones to keep everyone in the loop.  If you don’t have Instagram – never fear – as I will mention him on here too.

Some careful deliberation into what I was most well-known for, gave me another idea for documenting my year.  Instagram strikes again… using the hash tag #mycraztreadinghabits I have started to document what I read.  When I pick up a new book to read, I will take a photo of the cover and upload it to Instagram, stating the title of the book, (and series if it belongs to one) and the author.  If you check out the hash tag you will find that in 13 days, I have already read three books, plus the one that my Year 10's are studying – and I am due to start the fourth tonight and will upload later.  As far as I am aware, the hash tag I am using for this is unique; I picked it because no one had used it before, so if you follow the tag, it is my photographs you will find. 

Though not a resolution as such, with a little help and encouragement from my not so little, little sister, I have finally got myself back into the water!!  We signed up to the local gym last week, Aston cum Aughton Leisure Centre (who you can find on Facebook) to start going swimming.  So far we have been twice, and it is on the agenda for later this evening.  I will get fit this year!!  Don't get me wrong, I have no issues with my weight as such, but I am incredibly out of shape.  All I want is my swimmers stomach back and to not be so out of breath when I make the slightest attempt at running - I don't think that is an excessively unreachable goal...  Hmmm... We'll see I guess!!

On top of all of this – my aim for this year, rather than my resolution, is to get my book out there.  My book is the main reason why this blog went quiet as I stopped writing one off short stories or extracts to concentrate on finishing my novel.  Having accomplished this at the tail end of last year, my intentions for this year are to get it edited and get it out into the world.  Doing this is no mean feat I’ll tell you!!  There is a ridiculous amount of work to do to achieve this, and despite doing a little bit most nights, it is a very slow process.  If the mood takes me I might even keep you updated on this, but then again; I might just upload the cover when I finally get it published!!  Note my choice of language there – WHEN, not IF.  This is my year and I believe in my work! 

Anyways, as and when I do get the odd free moment to do some off task scribbling, I will blog my fantasy creations.  I realise that this blog was set up solely for that; but hey ho – it is my blog, and I will do with it what I want…

Till next time :)

1 comment:

  1. Go girl! It's all our there for the taking! Luv u loadz xxx
