Thursday 23 January 2014

If you Dare to Dream...

Well here's an insight into how my mind works... I was sat at work the other day thinking about 'my dreams' and making one of my many mental lists of things I need to get done in order to accomplish mine!  And t got me thinking...  Dreams are such a funny thing really… I mean, what is a dream, really? 

The online Oxford dictionary defines a dream as:
  • a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person’s mind during sleep
  • a state of mind in which someone is or seems to be unaware of their immediate 
  • a cherished aspiration, ambition, or 
  • an unrealistic or self-deluding 
  • a person or thing perceived as wonderful or perfect

Now on some level, I can relate to all of these definitions; I have been known to have some seriously weird and wonderful dreams at night, (the most recent one definitely taking the biscuit there I’ll tell you).  I have been known to walk around in a serious dream state some days; I’m about as ditsy as you can get normally, never mind with the help of not being fully aware of my surroundings!  My intended goals for the future are definitely counted as dreams, and could, in some ways probably be described as unrealistic; but hey, everyone needs to reach for the stars right?  And the person or thing being perceived as wonderful, I can definitely relate to one of my kids at school being a dream!  It happens occasionally anyway :)

But seriously, taking the two most common definitions; to dream at night, and to have a dream, there is definitely a lot to be said, and has been said about dreams!

Good old Walt Disney eh?  And he was right - anything is possible when you believe you can do it!  I truly believe that.  And Oprah Winfrey, known best for her talk show in America, made it clear that without your dreams, is a life without adventure!  There are thousands out there if you look for them!  The two above were Google finds, hyper-linked from the websites that they are currently on. 

Thinking about dreaming at night; to dream, a supposed involuntary action that is your body’s way of blowing off steam basically; people say that you can’t control your dreams, but that they are your subconscious thoughts or feelings that work their way up to the surface whilst you are asleep.  Now seriously, fair play, most of the time you can usually explain where a dream has come from, an interest, a stress, a worry or a seed of doubt planted during your waking hours.  But on the other hand, there are the seriously weird and eluded dreams that are surely just figments of your imagination!  There is no way some of them can be explained, and if they could, it would be a seriously loose connection that would be there solely as your reasoning behind an otherwise unexplainable path. 

I’m not gonna lie, even when they are so far past explainable that even the depth of my imagination struggle to comprehend any logic behind them, I love waking up and trying to dissect them and work out where the clues or truths in them are and try to link them to real life events going on around me.  Call it delusional, call it crazy, but I am a firm believer in fate and everything happening for a reason; dreams have to be a part of that.  Whether they are trying to warn you about something or bring something to the forefront of your mind to force you to deal with it is up to personal interpretation, but I do believe that they are completely intentional.  None of this – ‘Oh it was just a dream’ – There has to be a reason for them otherwise they wouldn't exist.

I had my own personal reminder to always believe in your dreams tattooed on me to make sure that I never take them for granted!

I had this tattooed on my left shoulder back in the summer of 2010, it was a relatively spontaneous decision, something I generally wouldn't advise when having something permanently inked into your skin - but there was no doubt in my mind about whether it was right!  My tattoo's all mean something to me, (something I will do a blog about one day) and this one was no different.  It is always with me and one glance reminds me to have faith in my dreams; I know I am capable of achieving them, as long as I never give up on them!

Looking at the second most popular definition of a dream – to have a dream – I also believe that everyone should have one.  Celebrities throughout history have all said something in their time about dreaming or having a dream, I mean come on, Martin Luther King is still on the syllabus for schools and we all know what he was famous for… He had a dream of course!  I’m not going to make a big thing about it, we all know what his dream was and what he did for the civil rights movements in the 1960's with his powerful speech.  (If you are interested in reading the whole thing you can find it at;

If you take one thing away from my rambling here today, it has to be to have faith and believe in yourself and your dreams.  Without your dreams you have nothing, everyone has an ambition in life, go out there and grab it with both hands, and in the words of Milton Berle (don't ask me who he is - this quote is on the front of a notebook I have) "If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door" In other words; damn well go out there and make it happen!  You are the only one in charge of your own happiness.  Don't let your life pass by without accomplishing something that you are proud of!  

So, the next time you're feeling down, don't rely on someone else to pick you up again... Take a good hard look at yourself and what you want out of life, and make it happen!  No excuses!

:) Louby

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