Friday 27 September 2013


Quick piece inspired by my recent trip to Kingswood Activity centre for the Year 8 School Residential...

Fear overwhelmed me.  I shuffled to the edge and looked down.  Big mistake!  My legs were like jelly; could I really go through with this?  I looked over the edge again, the floor seemed so far away.  Taking a deep breath I attempted to calm my fear.  I shuffled slowly right towards the edge, my toes hanging over the edge, preparing to jump.  Was the ground shaking on was it just me?  Taking another deep breath I stood up tall, stretched out my arms and closed my eyes.  My whole body shook with fear, all the muscles and I was sure that now, even my bones were shaking.  Opening my eyes I took a final breath and held it in.  I could do this!  I stretched my arms back out where they and begun to drop in the air in front of me.  I could do this!  I blew out the breath and I jumped!  The air rushed past me.  I was free; I was flying. 

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