Sunday 19 January 2014

The life of...

The sun is shining; the sky a clear blue with beautiful wispy clouds and the music is turned up!  Today is a wonderful day!  Now don’t get me wrong, I haven't actually been outside yet, I am under no illusion that it will be sub zero temperatures out there, but for now, I am happy sat at my desk, looking out of my not so clean window at the pretty winter's day.

Statistics be damned, I am still on the straight and narrow for my Resolutions.  I've kicked the bad habits to the curb, doing reasonably well with the Healthy Eating that has descended upon the Brown Household.  I'm not gonna lie, there have been cakes, and plenty of chocolate still, but as far as meals go, they are staying healthy, and as far as the chocolate is concerned, the swimming three times a week has done a good job of kicking any guilt I might have felt into touch.  In short; I feel good!  My life is finally starting to become my own; I'm in charge and I am the one who is keeping me smiling!  With a little help from family and friends :)  I'm enjoying spending time with my sister, and this week we took my Auntie to the pictures which was different!  We went to see Delivery Boy - hilarious film!!  A lot of my time is spent with good friends too; they know who they are, and cinema trips, pub trips and random outings are just what I need to keep making awesome memories this year.  There are also a few people who I haven't had chance to see this year yet, and I plan on changing all that before the end f January - the main example being my Momma and baby Squeak!  I need to get my arse into gear and get the hell to Lincoln before they up an move further away from me!  
There are a few things left to fall into place to make my life complete, i know that, i'm not disillusion in any way, but I have time to wait for those.  For now, I am happy with the way things are, and more than happy with the way I feel.

Today I have had the house to myself for a few hours.  The sister has been out all night, and the parents went shopping, far too early on a Sunday morning if you ask me, but they didn't ask me to go, so I can't complain.  Anyway, quiet, empty house… what would you do?  Anything that you wouldn't normally do when the house was full I hear you say; for example, crank up the volume on the music!  That's what I thought when I found myself being seriously boring…  What did I do with this few hours of freedom?  Well, I stayed in bed and read far too many chapters of my book, (see #mycrazyreadinghabits on Instagram for book details,) got up and stripped my bedding, sorted the washing out and swapped loads from the washer to the tumble dryer so that I could put the washing machine on again, had some breakfast and caught up with The Tomorrow People on Sky.  The most rebellious thing I did this morning was steal two of my mum's Hot Cross Buns for my breakfast!  Dare Devil or what!!  I think I'm getting old lol!

Now I am sat watching the fluffy clouds drifting across the sky, with the music on at a reasonable volume, pondering the idea of spending my entire day being a typical writer and barely moving from my desk.  I'm trying hard to make sure that I have done all the productive stuff first, because I know that once I get started I probably won't surface for hours!!  I can get lost in my world for days at a time and only come up for air for the necessities.  That is where I intend on spending the majority of my day; in my world, with my characters from my book.  I am determined to get this thing sorted and ready to be seen by the world.  So far it has only been seen by my mum, who is doing me the huge favour of reading it and telling me where it needs improvement from a reader's point of view.  I think she's enjoying it, she's nearly half way through and I only gave it her three days ago!  That's normally how I judge a good book - the length of time it takes to read it!  Here's hoping!!  Keep your fingers crossed for me.
I know this is talking about a motorbike, but when I saw it, I could totally link the feeling to horse riding!  I've always said that the adrenaline from knowing that you are entrusting your life to an animal over five times your size and weight is exhilarating.  The mixture of trust and relationship you have to have with the horse is one that is hard to understand if you haven't tried it.  But I am under no illusion when I am in that saddle, that as much control as I think I might have, it is her that holds all the power!  And I trust her with that as much as she trusts me.

(I got this off the internet - No copyright intended)

In other news, Vernon has been on another adventure since the last time I blogged…  He accompanied me to Ilkley yesterday to see a horse with Vicky.  A horse that I am pretty sure is now a firm part of her little family!  Anyone who knows her well only had to take one look at her face while she was with the horse to now that she'd found the one!  I can't complain at all, means more rides out in the fresh air as the weather slowly starts to improve.  There really is nothing to match the feeling. 
After visiting Molly the horse was, we went up to farm to see Rosie, and I worked hard in the school to master my canter.  I'm not gonna lie, I'm awful at it.  Either I panic and pull too tight on the reign which slows Rosie down again or I can't keep my ass in the saddle to save my life.  When Vicky taught me to ride she told me to imagine that I was sat on a twenty pound note and I had to keep it on the seat.  Well if that was true I would have lost a hell of a lot of money by now I'll tell ya!  I complain a lot, and swear a lot while I'm up there getting it wrong, but I won't give up; I love it up there, I still can't find anything to rival the feeling of freedom up in that saddle!  I'll keep you informed as to whether or not I master the skills!

I suppose I should get back to reality and do some work.  The washing calls and I have a pile of edited draft sat at the side of me that is calling to me to get it sorted.  Smiles all round; it's exciting stuff!

Well, till next time :)  Keep Smiling!!

1 comment:

  1. Stop rambling and get on with the editing!! Lol. Luv u loadz xx
