Saturday 14 September 2013

Randomly written...

Lightning struck and the inky purple sky lit up brightly.  As the light faded again the distant rumble of thunder sounded.  It was getting more aggressive each time it roared.  Silence fell again and everyone waited.  The much awaited storm was definitely getting closer, and quickly.  Next time the sky lit up with a perfect fork of brilliant white lightening.  Almost as soon as it had faded the thunder roared this time.  The trees quaked in its presence and the lack of the pouring rain and the eerie silence of no wind made the whole thing more creepy; like the proverbial eye of the storm.

This time everyone jumped.  The loud crack of thunder sounded directly above us as the whole sky lit up with several forks of lightening decorating the starless night sky.  Would the village survive the night??

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