Thursday 2 May 2013

The daydreams of an Exam Invigilator!!

So... My Year 4's have done their Reading SAT's this morning...  The test that all Teaching Assistants hate because we're not allowed to help in any way, not even read the questions :(
Anyway, whilst sitting and watching them sit the test for an hour and a half this morning; what did Miss Brown do?  She sat and wrote of course, no point in being bored!!
It's not a full story... Just one of many characters that I have written about - hope you like it :)

Darkness had descended.  The people of the town hated the night, but this; the quietening atmosphere, the glow of streetlights, the low hum of electricity lighting up the shadowy shop front, this was my favourite time of day.
Tonight there was an eerie mist lingering just above the ground.  Even better.  The neon light of the sign flickered above the entrance to my favourite place to eat.  As I drew closer, the echo of my foot falls were the only noise cutting through the near silence of the night.  The heavy black door stood slightly ajar and the heavy beat of music drifted out into the night air.  I put my hand on the soft black leather that coated the club’s door and pushed.  A red glow illuminated my pale skin as I entered the club.  The door thudded softly shut behind me as I followed the familiar corridor to the main room.  I ran my fingertips along the red suede walls; chuckling quietly to myself once more at their choice of décor.  Reaching the end of the corridor I leant forwards over the elegant black railings and looked down into the pit of bodies writhing to the music. 
Immediately I picked out several of the regulars; two men and a woman I had seen before many a time here.  A bouncer nodded to acknowledge my arrival as I flashed him my membership card, his eyes straying to the low cut neckline of my blood red halter neck top.  Smiling to myself, I descended the spiral staircase and weaved my way through the hot, sticky bodies on the dance floor.
Once at the bar I ordered my usual, mentally clocking which bar staff were on tonight.  A little metal badge attached to his belt loop told me that my host’s name was Mark.  He must be new, I would have remembered a body like that.  The uniform here didn’t leave a lot to the imagination.  The tight black leather trousers and buckled biker boots were all the men wore; leaving their perfectly toned chests and abdomens bare to the eyes.  I looked him up and down with admiration and smiled to myself.  His well sculpted stomach was a gorgeous shade of chocolate and the definition ran straight into the top of his trousers.  His broad shoulders made me think of being wrapped up in them and his jet black hair shone under the spotlights above the bar like spilt ink. 
“Will you be dining with us tonight Madam?  Can I interest you in our specials menu?”  His voice was deep and husky and had me going weak at the knees.
His dark brown eyes sparkled as he looked me up and down.  Oh the irony!
“I won't be needing a menu.”  I smiled, “Is Rosie working tonight?”  I asked while I still had my host’s attention.
He nodded towards the throngs of people still moving to the music,
“She’s on the floor tonight.”
“Thanks.”  I smiled my appreciation, downed the Martini left in my glass and hopped off the bar stool. 
I made my way onto the dance floor, winding my way thought the crowds.  I saw Rosie before she saw me.  Her characteristic red hair, the reason for her nickname, glowing under the colourful strobe lighting framed her pretty, round face.
‘On the floor’ basically meant being a presence on the dance floor, keeping the guests happy and acting as a bouncer where necessary.  Now trust me when I say that Rosie definitely had presence.  I watched as she danced with the crowds.  Her short figure was towered over by the majority of the club goers, but boy did she know how to get noticed.  Her curvy figure fit nicely into her uniform; and just like the guys, the girls didn’t leave a lot to the imagination.  Black buckled straps covered the necessary parts of her upper body and wrapped around her neck in a halter neck.  The bottom was a short skirt covered in similar buckles and in Rosie’s case, there was nothing underneath it.  The flawless white skin of her legs looked perfect against the black uniform and under this light she looked almost good enough to eat.  A smile crept across her face as I approached her amidst the bodies around her; her hands immediately sought my waist, pulling me into the dance.  Her fingers dug into my waist as her body pressed up close to mine.  Feeling the music coursing through me I let her guide my body along with hers.
After a couple of songs she slipped her hand into mine and led me back towards the bar.  She slapped her hand on the marble surface and called over to Mark that she was going on her break.  Pushing through the side door she led me straight into the stock cupboard and closed the door behind us.
“Long time no see Nel.  I thought you’d got bored of me.”  She pouted as she spoke, taking a small step towards me.
I shook my head, “Never.”
I closed the distance between us, putting my hands on her waist and lifting her up and backing her up against the closed door.  Without hesitation she wrapped her legs around my waist, her hands around my neck and leant in to kiss me. 
As her breathing accelerated I heard her heart begin to beat faster, pumping more blood around her petite body.  She smelled divine as I kissed her neck, both hands roaming her body as her legs held her firmly in place.
“Not my neck Nel.  I can't cover it with this dress.”  She panted between breaths.
“I know darlin’.”  I answered as I lowered my kisses to her collarbone, sliding one of her straps out of the way.  I drew my fangs, sank my teeth into her chest and began to feed.
Listening to her shallow breathing as she began to pant told me that she was enjoying this just as much as I was.  No change there then!!

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