Monday 29 April 2013

The Land of Blog!

Ok, so I have finally descended into the land of blogging!  I figured it was time that I tried to get my work known...  As it says in my Introduction; my dream is to see my name in print, my book on the shelves of a well known bookstore like W H Smiths or Waterstones!

I write Fantasy Fiction, usually involving mythological creatures; angels, werewolves etc.  Getting lost in a story line can mean I'm missing for hours, (as my family would know) and I hope that one day, those hours spent squirreled away documenting my wildly over-active imagination, may just pay off in getting my work of art published!! 

When I'm not writing I work in a school on a Behaviour Team.  I love my job and love to inspire children with their writing... Occasionally I even join in :) I might put some of my work up; I have a habit of writing examples at school and joining in with the story writing etc.

All work that I publish online is my own work and therefore copyrighted to me.  Anything that is not mine will be credited to the right place or person!  I hope you enjoy :)  Any feedback is welcome although distasteful comments will be removed!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Welcome to blogland, babe - I is one very proud momma and truly believe that one day you will be published :) xxx
