Saturday 4 May 2013

Bring on the Bank Holiday :)

So, I started off the Bank Holiday with a DVD night with my mom :)  Neither of us can sit still and just watch the telly, so while she 'zentangled' I wrote of course! 
This is the first time I've written about this character... so I can add her to my bank of them, I tend to reuse them over and over once I've set them up with a background etc.
I hope you like her :)

I stood in the corner of the room; just watching.  No-one ever noticed me.  My mother had always called me a wall-flower, I guess she was right.  I noticed a lot more about other people than they ever noticed about me, and that’s if they even noticed me at all.  Take now for example; people milled around the house quietly minding their own business.  Bella sat on the floor playing with her brightly coloured building blocks.  She’d just learned to sit up on her own only a couple of weeks ago and was now making the most of it, flying solo in the middle of the room. 
Jamie, my older brother, sat by himself on the bay window staring out into the late autumn morning.  He’d always loved this time of year; he liked to roll in the piles of leaves my dad had raked together.  It usually resulted in him getting into trouble, but it never stopped him the next time. 
I watched him for a few minutes before my dad came sweeping through the room.  He checked on Bella and took Jamie a drink, briefly glancing in my direction, before leaving again.  He was probably going to check on my mother.  She hadn’t been out of bed in days.  I hated seeing her like this, I was helpless to do anything to help her and that made me feel even worse.
I followed my father out of the living room, running my hand over Bella’s light blonde hair as I passed.  She looked up, grinned at me and chuckled.  Jamie looked around at Bella’s laugh, but quickly turned back to the window, seeing nothing to keep his attention.  I left quietly; trudged up the stairs and through the open door to my mother’s room.  She laid in bed, the duvet pulled up under her chin and Jinx, out black cat, curled up against her back.  Jinx was like my best friend, he always noticed me.  He normally slept on my bed, curled up by my feet, but recently he’d been sleeping here with mum.  I didn’t mind, she needed looking after right now. 
As I neared the bottom of the bed Jinx looked up, his vibrant green eyes piercing me with a stare.  I leant forwards to stroke behind his little velvet ears and he tilted his head in appreciation.  He took a playful swipe at me with his little white front paw, the only white on him, and my mother stirred.
“Evan, are you there?”  Her voice sounded tired and as if she’d been crying again.
When no answer came she simply rolled over, disturbing Jinx who jumped down, and closed her eyes again. 
I tiptoed from the room and went in search of my father.  I found him in the only other occupied room in the house; mine. 
Lily sat on the edge of her bed, her eyes full of tears threatening to spill down her face, my favourite scruffy brown bear cradled in her arms.  She fiddled with a stray strand of cotton on the bear’s red plaid dickey-bow.  My father sat beside her, his arm around her little shoulder.  He was trying to comfort her, but failing miserably.  She needed mum, but she couldn’t help right now, Lily reminded her too much of me.  The tear marks on Lily’s face told me that she’d already been crying again.  Last night she’d laid in my bed and cried herself to sleep, my bear held tightly in her arms.  She was sobbing now, her head on my father’s shoulder.
“Why daddy?  Why did they have to take Anna?” 
I felt the tears well up in my eyes as he tried again to explain to my twin sister why I wasn’t here anymore.
“Sweetheart, Anna-Marie was very poorly, you knew that.”
Lily nodded, her ginger ringlets bouncing on her shoulders. 
“Well, God needed another angel in heaven; an Anna-Marie was perfect for the job.  She’s with him now Princess.  He’ll look after her.”
He choked back tears as Lily looked up to him and tried to smile.
“Does she have wings?”
“Yes sweetheart, she does.  And she’ll be watching over you and your brother and sister now, she’ll always keep you safe.”
I left the room quietly and made my way back downstairs to Bella.  I sat on the rug by her side and pointed to her blocks.  A smile crept across her little face and she picked up the block I was pointing at.
“You know I'm still here don’t you Bella?”
She looked up and stretched her empty hand out towards me.  I wrapped my hand around her tiny fingers and brought them to my lips and pressed a feather soft kiss to her skin. 
“I love you Bells.”  I breathed.
“Love Anna-rie!”  She squeaked leaning in for a cuddle.
I smiled, feeling the tears roll down my cheeks.  If only the rest of them could see me too…

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