Tuesday 24 February 2015

Pretty in Pink

Well this seems to have come around fast... I have been playing very nicely since the P.S I Love You challenge (of which I received 3rd Place for) and have done plenty of art journaling.  

The challenge over at Fantasy Stampers this fortnight is 'Pretty in Pink' and it took me forever to decide how to interpret this into a journal idea that I wanted to create.  I started off with flowers and a pretty quote by Alfred Tennyson - 'If I had a flower for every time I thought of you, I could walk in my garden forever' - the page would have been very pretty and very girly, and the more I thought about doing it, the more I knew that it wasn't me.  Don't get me wrong, I love pink as much as the next girl; but the whole pretty flowery thing just wasn't going to happen...

So after a rethink and some digging through Mum's stash of stamps, I had a brilliant idea - and hey presto...

Of course; it had to be fairies!!  I love how this one turned out, though it was very different to how I first imagined it... I played nicely with my new water colours to create the pink background and used white acrylic paint to create the circles that made up the bottom of the page.  
The stamp that runs across the bottom is an Indigo Bloom foliage stamp that I experimented with to get some depth to the page.

The fairy silhouettes are from Mum's stash and were a magazine freebie that she had lying around, and the Dovecraft alphabet letters are one of my original purchases.

I then played nicely with some Zendangling - using some of Mum's images as inspiration, to go across the top and tie everything together.  

So there we have it - my entry into Challenge #30 - Pretty in Pink over at Fantasy Stampers.  

I plan on getting some of my other creations on here shortly, I have just had a lot on these last few weeks, and am now back at work - so bare with me... 

Louby x

Friday 6 February 2015

P.S. I Love You

Well, after a rather hectic week; plenty of drama at work, Toby's second needle at the vets, a flat out spin to sort out a new car after me and Daddy messed up with the MOT date and then insuring, taxing and collecting said new car, I have finally sat down to sort out my entry for the Fantasy Stampers challenge this fortnight.  

As I said in my last post, I did redo the art journaling page as I wasn't happy with the outcome of my first attempt.  So, here is my masterpiece :)

I am so happy with the outcome of this one! Even down to the background turning out better than the first attempt.  The quote is taken from the film P.S. I love you, and is one of my favorites from the entire film.  
The Santoro's Gorjuss Girl stamp; The Lost Heart, is one I borrowed from Mum's stash, and the scrabble tile LOVE stamp is one of my first buys.  It is a Dovecraft clear stamp that I figured would come in plenty handy.

So, here is my first try.  I am entering this into Challenge #29 - PS. I Love You over at Fantasy Stampers and I can't wait to hear your opinions!  

For anyone following my Instagram account, there is my second masterpiece - a Meat Loaf inspired piece that I am also very proud of.  Since both of these pieces I have a small stash of new things to play with - so look out for my next journal page :)

Louby x

Sunday 1 February 2015

Trying new things...

Well January disappeared in a flurry of snow didn't it!  I'm not really sure where the time went - though after sitting down and really thinking about it, I have actually done loads this 

I finally got around to sorting the pile of bits of paper out on my desk where I had scribbled down some ideas and parts of chapters for my book at work, and got them all typed up and in order.  There is now going on seventy pages of my second book.  I failed in my second attempt at the Insanity workout program, and have decided that February is the time to take up jogging!  There is definitely something needs doing because I swear I am just getting more and more lazy. And to top off that - I have an unhealthy addiction to Cadbury's Creme Eggs at the moment, so I really need to do something before all my clothes get too tight!

Anyway, the actual point to this blog post.  One of my New Year's Resolutions this year was to try new things.  If I attempt for one a month that is at least twelve new experiences this year.  That's the plan anyway.  So far I have done okay.  My main 'something new' for this month was trying a new skill.  For a while now I have wanted to have a go at getting involved in my Mommy's craft blog, and once even got as far as sketching out a design.  But when it came around to actually crafting, I never really found the motivation to get on with it.  So, a new idea from Mom, why not try Art Journaling?!  
Art journaling is a reasonably new skill in the art world that combines mixed media, wording and imagery to express feelings and artistic flare.  

After some thought, and plenty of research, I realised that this kind of art/craft is something that is much more up my street than the paper crafting side that mum is so good at.  So, I delved into her stash and borrowed some stamps, and had a go!

This was the result!  

Now I'm not gonna lie; it didn't turn out how I imagined it, and there are a lot of things that I wished I could change after I had done them.  But, for a first attempt, and without much guidance, I don't think it was bad!!

I did however redo it this morning ready to actually enter it into Mummy's craft challenge, as there was no way that this was good enough, not by anybody's standards, especially not my own!

So, keep an eye out for my entry to the challenge coming up in the next few days!!

Other than my leap into the journaling world, there are only really a couple of other things that I have done this month, one of which, after many months of persuasion from Tara, was going to the Handmade Burger Company for tea last night.  Which after all this time avoiding due to my disinterest in burgers, was actually really nice!  I would definitely recommend it and will be going back :)  Especially as they are redoing their Gluten free menu shortly, making it a great place for us to go for a meal out!!

I'm off for now, keep your eyes open for my challenge entry, and I hope for some comments on your opinions!!

Louby x